RetroFE forums

Artwork & Layouts => Share your theme => Topic started by: iGarikoitz on April 16, 2017, 08:57:27 PM

Title: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 16, 2017, 08:57:27 PM


This is a layout in which I have put all my dedication for more than two years to make it a reality. Thank you all for the continued support.

This is not going to stay here, I will continue adding improvements and ideas that you are commenting on, to make this layout a reference in the world of FrontEnd emulation.

Thanks to RetroFE and very specially, thanks Pieter Hulshoff, that without his great contributions this would not have been possible.





First download the latest version from this link ( After this, you need to download emulator and get ROMs to play.


For arcade games RetroArch is used with the core final burn alpha by default. You can also use MAME if you prefer.

ARCADE (Using RetroArch)



In Aura, the games are stored in packs, this is why everything related to each game has to go inside the folder of its respective folder, including its ROM.



Aura v1.0-beta 2
Aura v1.0-beta 1


Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 16, 2017, 09:06:08 PM
Looking impressive; you've got some things working there I didn't even know you could do with RetroFE. :) I should probably add some features to make this type of skin easier to make in the future though. Very impressive!
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: JonahUK on April 16, 2017, 10:13:56 PM
This is hands down the best looking theme for RetroFE, Period.
I wish I was half as talented as you!
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: cassette on April 17, 2017, 03:27:04 AM
The blur effect is pretty impressive, neat skin!
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: ryuuji on April 17, 2017, 01:11:12 PM
Well done well done. Like the details for each game. (activates when on idle?)
Looks impressive. The downside of this would be the box frame (I know because I ve encountered it many times, hard to fit different box ratios in the frame perfectly), also the blur most likely it is done by *hand* (png batch) which, unfortunately, will make things harder to set it up because RetroFE don't feature the blur effect option.
Great work man. Keep it up. Looking forward to your release.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: bundangdon on April 19, 2017, 03:27:34 PM
Very nice! Looking forward to the release of this theme :D
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Mark Norville on April 21, 2017, 12:58:20 PM
Nice looking theme, obviously based around one of Kodi skins. It would look great on a large monitor for home cinema.

The major negative though, you only have two games, I would be bored in five minutes ;)



Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 22, 2017, 05:56:46 PM
This Layout is based on "Alaska" Kodi skin with some personal things (

New screenshot:


I have changed the information that appears under the name of the game for something more elegant and clear.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: ryuuji on April 22, 2017, 06:17:55 PM
Looks good. How is the letter working in RetroFE?
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 22, 2017, 06:37:36 PM
Looks good. How is the letter working in RetroFE?

I created an image with the full alphabet. Then I have created one by one the images with the selected letter and put them in "collections \ _common \ medium_artwork \ manufacturer" with the name "a", "b", "c" etc.

Now comes the trick:

It looks like my layout has games on the main page. Really are collections with a unique game.
* When I have more developed the layout, I will explain why I have done this ...

Collection: "Garou Mark of the Wolves" and inside the game "Garou Mark of the Wolves"

In the "Garou mark of the Wolves" folder in the "info.conf" file on the "manufacturer" part I have set "g"

Now using the code <reloadableImage mode = "common" type = "manufacturer">
I say to the RetroFe that when I select the collection "Garou mark of the Wolves" I load the image corresponding to the letter G selected.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 22, 2017, 06:41:07 PM
I figured you just created a copy with the right letter highlighted for each game. 😀

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 22, 2017, 06:48:40 PM
I figured you just created a copy with the right letter highlighted for each game. 😀
There are 27 images of the entire alphabet, each with a selected letter.

Now I write that letter in the manufacturer section of the info.conf file for each collection and RetroFe when I choose the "Garou Mark of the Wolves" collection, load the complete image of the alphabet that has the letter "G" selected.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: ryuuji on April 22, 2017, 06:49:38 PM
Nice trick.
Now I wish they were ready those info.conf files :))
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 22, 2017, 07:06:54 PM
Sure, but you could also have kept them all in the same collection, and create an image with the alphabet and the G highlighted called "Garou Mark of the Wolves.png".

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Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 22, 2017, 07:10:45 PM
Sure, but you could also have kept them all in the same collection, and create an image with the alphabet and the G highlighted called "Garou Mark of the Wolves.png".
The problem of doing that you say is that you would have to create an image for each game, so if the game library is very large it would be duplicating many times the same image. With one image per letter and using a tag in the text file, I can load the selected image for each game without having to duplicate them.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 23, 2017, 01:31:33 PM
Please Pieter Hulshoff I need the <video> tag of the layout to stop when loading a game. Background video is heard while playing the game.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 23, 2017, 01:49:13 PM
When does it do that? With all emulators or just some or ...? RetroFE waits until the emulator is done, so unless the emulator returns before it is complete this should not happen.

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Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: ryuuji on April 23, 2017, 02:42:50 PM
It will be cool if RetroFE would detect automatically the first letter in the game name and if the layout have a xml entry for letters (like the set ikarikoitz used) will show the corresponding letter provided by the layout.
-<letter tag> in layout.xml
-<layout folder/common/letter/a.png;b.png......z.png
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 23, 2017, 02:44:39 PM
When does it do that? With all emulators or just some or ...? RetroFE waits until the emulator is done, so unless the emulator returns before it is complete this should not happen.

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When I play in retroarch the <video> of the layout is still listening.

The problem is with the <video> tag.
The <reloadableVideo> tag works without problems.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 23, 2017, 02:45:09 PM
That sounds easy enough to add. I'll have a look.

I'll also check out the <video> tag issue.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 23, 2017, 03:23:45 PM
Thanks Pieter Hulshoff  ;)

ryuuji and Pieter HulshoffWe we could chat using the Discord application to speed up the correction of bugs and errors that we find in RetroFE.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 23, 2017, 06:32:53 PM
I think I could use a few more programmers to get all the wishes implemented. 😀 My spare time is rather limited after all.

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Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: ryuuji on April 23, 2017, 06:50:39 PM
Yup, mine also + I can't code :P
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on April 23, 2017, 09:37:53 PM
Ok, I released 0.8.3 at
Let me know if that helps any. :)
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: iGarikoitz on April 23, 2017, 10:02:22 PM
Ok, I released 0.8.3 at
Let me know if that helps any. :)

The "firstLetter" type works great! I no longer need to do tricks to display the index of letters.

The problem with the <video> tag has also been fixed. Thank you so much Pieter Hulshoff, you're the boss.
Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: dougan78 on April 24, 2017, 01:12:45 AM
I think I could use a few more programmers to get all the wishes implemented. 😀 My spare time is rather limited after all.

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Yet you keep adding features.  Hats off to ya!  Its appreciated!

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Title: Re: (Wip) Aurora V2, I have to think about it
Post by: NeoID on April 26, 2017, 08:03:16 AM
I love your work igarikoitz! Awesome piece of work!
Really looking forward to your theme and I hope you'll share it with the rest of the community. I've watched your videos on YouTube multiple times and I think you have some fantastic ideas. There are only a few good themes for arcade front-ends (themes that are not "bloated" and crowded) and yours is definitively one of the best!

If I can help you out with any scripts that mass generate images or such, please get in touch with me. :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 07, 2017, 11:17:43 PM
A sample of how is the new theme "Aura" (

Tomorrow I will edit the video to show it to 1080P and with sound. Sorry but here in Spain it's too late and I'm getting up early to go to work
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: ryuuji on May 08, 2017, 06:43:34 AM
Cool. Wish RetroFE could support a designed button press to show/hide game details :P.
Keep it up!
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: NeoID on May 08, 2017, 08:20:45 AM
Wow, that's impressive. If that would to become the default theme for RetroFE it would be without doubt the nicest front-end out there. I just love how clean it is and the icons!

I assume the "information"-page is timing based? Would be nice to be able to toggle it by pressing a button like in Kodi. There you can press "i" for information when you have a item highlighted.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 08, 2017, 09:27:18 PM
ryuuji and NeoID, thanks for your comments  ;)

Aura Test 2, now with sound and 1080P resolution (
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: psibash on May 09, 2017, 07:07:26 PM
You, sir, are a wizurd!  8)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: bodbod on May 10, 2017, 12:32:31 PM
impressive, very nice theme and upper class ! Look forward to seeing more about it !
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on May 10, 2017, 11:31:47 PM
this theme is amazing work :)

I'm a RetroFE newbie. Configuring it at the moment. May I ask what software you used to make this theme?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mark Norville on May 12, 2017, 10:40:02 AM
One thing I will say about this, in the top left it says retrofe information, will this be changeable or can it be system specific?

The other is that this seems to be just one page not including the game information? Is this skin aimed at quality rather than quantity?


Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 13, 2017, 03:38:54 PM
You, sir, are a wizurd!  8)
thank you very much  ;)

this theme is amazing work :)

I'm a RetroFE newbie. Configuring it at the moment. May I ask what software you used to make this theme?

I use an iMac.

One thing I will say about this, in the top left it says retrofe information, will this be changeable or can it be system specific?

The other is that this seems to be just one page not including the game information? Is this skin aimed at quality rather than quantity?


I love simplicity and minimalism. That's why I do not want complicated menus to select a game to play. Everyone can add all the games they want.
Aura is a skin with 4K resolution so my family can use the emulators more comfortably on my PC connected to a Sony Bravia 4K 65".

Pieter Hulshoff It would be nice to have an animation when you enter a game and exit. For example with tags: <onGameEnter> <onGameExit>
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 13, 2017, 03:48:40 PM
Pieter Hulshoff It would be nice to have an animation when you enter a game and exit. For example with tags: <onGameEnter> <onGameExit>

I agree; I'll have a look at adding them. Do understand though that this means launching a game is delayed until after the onGameEnter animation has completed, and input will be ignored until after the onGameExit animation has completed. I'd rather not deal with half finished animations before scrolling the menu again.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 14, 2017, 10:15:00 AM
The launch of a game is delayed until the onGameEnter animation is completed and the entry is ignored until the onGameExit animation is completed.

I think the most correct way to implement it
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 17, 2017, 10:26:09 PM
Pieter Hulshoff It would be nice to have an animation when you enter a game and exit. For example with tags: <onGameEnter> <onGameExit>

Try version 0.8.5:
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 17, 2017, 10:54:18 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff, Thank you very much for adding these details. They make that RetroFE can have a more professional finish.

RetroFE Aura Test 3 (

* New: Include new transition Fade in/Fade out when launch/exit game from the FronEnd
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 18, 2017, 07:08:33 AM
Indeed! I shall consider updating Aeon Nox, and make a full release. 😀🖒

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Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 19, 2017, 12:01:01 PM
Btw: you don't use bezels on your emulators?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 20, 2017, 04:40:46 PM
Btw: you don't use bezels on your emulators?
I do not like to use bevels, because I consider it a distraction while you play.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 20, 2017, 07:35:59 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff I would like you to add one thing.


With the <menu> tag I have a horizontal carousel of game cover using images. With this I can define for example 5 items <item>. When I press left, I select the game to the left and the menu moves with an animation to the right.

I would like to create another horizontal menu in the same "menuIndex" with a carousel of 5 other items where you can put more information of each game.

All this for what? To be able to show 5 game covers, with the game logo under each game cover. When you select the next game (the one on your left) move to the right the game cover "<menu> <item>" and the game logo "other <menu> <item>"

And how could you implement it? In the following way:

It could be added inside Layout.xml

<! -- Console Collection  -->
<! -- Menu where the logos of the consoles are displayed -->
<Menu menuIndex = "0">
  <ItemDefaults />
  <Item />

<! -- Game Collection  -->
<! -- Menu where game covers are displayed -->
<Menu menuIndex = "1" imageType="cover">
  <ItemDefaults />
  <Item />

<! -- Menu where the logos are displayed -->
<Menu menuIndex = "1" imageType="logo">
  <ItemDefaults />
  <Item />

Adding "menuIndex and the number" we would be saying to which collection belongs that menu code and in this way we could see more than one menu item information.

To avoid having problems using more than one menu per collection, these would have to be all either horizontal or vertical.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 20, 2017, 11:13:59 PM
It's already on my todo list, but I haven't quite figured out the best way to program it. 😀

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Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 21, 2017, 05:50:56 PM
Aura Test 4 (

New: When you load the game it shows new screen with information on the controls of the game just before you start to play.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: ryuuji on May 21, 2017, 06:52:56 PM
That feature is very good. Good job!
Hope I will have to update my layouts also.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 24, 2017, 07:45:40 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff I would like you to add one thing.

With the <menu> tag I have a horizontal carousel of game cover using images. With this I can define for example 5 items <item>. When I press left, I select the game to the left and the menu moves with an animation to the right.
I would like to create another horizontal menu in the same "menuIndex" with a carousel of 5 other items where you can put more information of each game.
All this for what? To be able to show 5 game covers, with the game logo under each game cover. When you select the next game (the one on your left) move to the right the game cover "<menu> <item>" and the game logo "other <menu> <item>"

You just got your wish:
Let me know if you encounter any issues. :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: ryuuji on May 24, 2017, 08:02:11 PM
I really need to see this in action because I really don't understand it  :-[
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 24, 2017, 08:08:05 PM
I really need to see this in action because I really don't understand it  :-[

Basically it allows you to show multiple menus at the same time. As an example:
Currently Aeon Nox shows you a game list of artwork_front (boxes).
With this feature you could put the logo (wheel) below each box, and a cart (medium_front) at the bottom right of each box, etc.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: ryuuji on May 24, 2017, 08:20:25 PM
Oh yeah like that ... :) it will come in handy definitely  :D
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 24, 2017, 09:06:44 PM
You just got your wish:
Let me know if you encounter any issues. :)
@Pieter Hulshoff you are amazing! I am doing tests and this is sublime. This will be at a much higher level than what has already been seen. Many thanks  :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 25, 2017, 08:19:46 AM
You just got your wish:
Let me know if you encounter any issues. :)
@Pieter Hulshoff you are amazing! I am doing tests and this is sublime. This will be at a much higher level than what has already been seen. Many thanks  :)

Good to hear it's working well for you so far. :) Looking forward to seeing what you can do with it!
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 29, 2017, 06:39:15 AM
Aura Test 5 (


- Softer and faster animations
- New design of controller configuration screen
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 29, 2017, 07:09:11 AM
Looking very good. :) Subtle use of the new menu feature as well. :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: ryuuji on May 29, 2017, 11:22:06 AM
Love the layout ... I just wish you would try to focus more on a universal way of setting it up :P
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 30, 2017, 02:36:07 PM
Any chance you could provide us with a preview to play with?
I also think it might be worth mass converting art to fit this theme so others can use it (when it's finished of course) as well.

Also: if you require additional features, please let me know. I think your theme really showcases the abilities in RetroFE at the moment. I wish we had more theme builders to create themes like this. :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Agent47 on May 30, 2017, 05:45:54 PM
Which media items would need to be converted? I'm assuming the box fronts with the gloss/shine effect possibly?

I realize such effects may not be easy to implement natively but I would suggest trying to avoid the need for specialized media assets. Even using a Photoshop batch script the need for users to covert their images for a custom or uncommon collection will turn people off and it would mean a duplicate media set to maintain if they wanted to use other themes as well. This was one of the big drawbacks of the HS Aeon Nox theme and why not many people used that. I'd hate to see the same happen to this theme because it does look good but I know I would be less likely to use it if it meant using existing assets wasn't possible.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 30, 2017, 07:12:10 PM
No duplication of images. For each game of this layout, you only need 7 images and 1 video (for background music):

1. Game cover (460 × 690 resolution)
2. Background (960 × 540 resolution)
3. Background blur
4. Background grayscale(grayscale version of the 2. Background image)
5. Game Screen Title imagen (original game resolution)
6. Game Screenshot 01 (original game resolution)
7. Game Screenshot 02 (original game resolution)

Video (for background music)

You really only need to apply blur (1 image) and greyscale (1 image) effect. I would like it to do so by code of the layout, but for now it can not  :(. Everything else does RetroFe with superposition of images.

I already thought how to implement the controls screen with plain text only. I have to talk to Pieter Hulshoff.

I'm continually thinking ways for people to be able to add more games in the simplest possible way. RetroFE has its limitations, so for tasks that can not be done by code, you have to look for another way.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: JonahUK on May 30, 2017, 07:13:36 PM
The gloss/shine effect can be done via an overlay, no need to convert any media surely?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on May 30, 2017, 07:19:00 PM
The gloss/shine effect can be done via an overlay, no need to convert any media surely?
@JonahUK exactly ;)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Agent47 on May 30, 2017, 07:26:30 PM
Ah, yeah it makes sense now. I imagine the blur could be a bit tricky to do on the fly without taking a performance hit.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on May 30, 2017, 08:20:26 PM
I'm certainly willing to look into on the fly effects, but it would take a powerful CPU, and even then it may not be fast enough to make it look good.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on May 30, 2017, 09:08:37 PM
Hey igarikoitz,

I absolutely love the theme you created. It is what I am trying to achieve in terms of a layout. i.e. All the games on the home screen and then a preview window of the game details upon selection. Unfortunately my XML skills are very poor as I've attempted to build my own with very little success. If possible can you share your theme with me in it's current state for me to use? Feel free to PM me.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 03, 2017, 10:41:59 AM
@makaveeti, I have to improve some details before publishing the skin. This will take some time, because I am very perfectionist.

@Pieter Hulshoff Two things:

If point 2 works as I expect, I have also thought of a better clean way of implementing it in the retrofe code to make it a standard and that all designers and users can use it in comfort.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 03, 2017, 12:53:58 PM
I will check the code, and fix the sound issue.

With regards to the tags: perhaps I should allow for info.conf files per game. That removes the need for updated xml every time someone wants a new tag, keeps the database small, and is much more flexible.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: NeoID on June 03, 2017, 01:28:24 PM
You really only need to apply blur (1 image) and greyscale (1 image) effect. I would like it to do so by code of the layout, but for now it can not  :(

For my theme (RetroBox ( I've made a small python script that automatically creates the required images for the menu wheel. In my case a composition between cover, title, genre and player count. It creates about 100k images for me this way in a short period of time. I could easily make the same for you if that helps. Just let me know. Love you theme and look forward to be able to test it if you care to share :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 03, 2017, 02:16:50 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff info.conf files per game is a very good idea. With this I could create my own tags, or also need to implement them by code?

@NeoID Thanks for the offer, but at the moment I do not need to create images in this way, since I load those images and the text using xml code.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 03, 2017, 04:20:51 PM
You can define your own tags, just like you can for collections.

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Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 03, 2017, 04:54:00 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff How can I create info.conf per game? for example:

Game name: "Super mario bros.nes"
Game info: "Super mario bros.conf" inside the folder of the collection
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 03, 2017, 06:51:08 PM
It's not a feature yet, but I propose putting that .conf file in the medium_artwork/info/ directory.

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Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 03, 2017, 07:07:36 PM
It's not a feature yet, but I propose putting that .conf file in the medium_artwork/info/ directory.
Good idea  ;)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 07, 2017, 03:48:02 PM
  • There is a problem when using multiple <menu menuIndex = "0">, it sounds "highlight.wav" as many times as you have used <menu menuIndex = "0">, distorting that sound.
    I think you will have to modify the code, so that it sounds only once "highlight.wav" even if you use more than one <menu menuIndex = "0">.

Let me know if 0.8.7 solves this issue:
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 08, 2017, 06:15:22 AM
Let me know if 0.8.7 solves this issue:
Problem solved  ;). Waiting for the implementation of info files per game
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 18, 2017, 03:28:13 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff I have encountered some problem issues that prevent me from coding a thing.

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 18, 2017, 04:15:46 PM
I will check Number 1; if that's the case it is a bug that I should fix.
Number 2 is logical: onIdle is activated whenever the object doesn't have another animation active. If it should only activate when you stop the menu, then onHighlightEnter is what you need.

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Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 18, 2017, 05:49:56 PM
Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
I will check Number 1; if that's the case it is a bug that I should fix.
Do not worry, I do not know why but now it works.

Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
Number 2 is logical: onIdle is activated whenever the object doesn't have another animation active. If it should only activate when you stop the menu, then onHighlightEnter is what you need.
Code: [Select]
<reloadableImage type="coverBlack" x="430" width="1080" height="1080" alpha="0" layer="4">
  <onHighlightEnter menuIndex="0"><set duration=".1"><animate type="alpha" to="0"/></set></onHighlightEnter>
  <onMenuScroll menuIndex="0"><set duration=".1"><animate type="alpha" from="0" to="0"/></set></onMenuScroll>
  <onIdle menuIndex="0"><set duration="2"><animate type="nop"/></set><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/></set></onIdle>
With this code It doesn't work. The problem is that when the left / right once works correctly, but when you hold left / right to move faster between the games, the code:
Code: [Select]
<onIdle menuIndex="0"><set duration="2"><animate type="nop"/></set><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/></set></onIdle> is executed
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 18, 2017, 06:46:03 PM
That's because onMenuScroll is only executed once. As soon as the animation is complete it will execute onIdle. You could use onHighlightEnter though; that will execute as soon as the menu stops scrolling.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 18, 2017, 06:58:22 PM
Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
That's because onMenuScroll is only executed once. As soon as the animation is complete it will execute onIdle. You could use onHighlightEnter though; that will execute as soon as the menu stops scrolling.
The logical thing would be that you do not execute the action onIdle while pressing a button, because you're not exactly waiting. It could be included in the code of RetroFe that while maintaining a button does not execute the action onIdle. I do not know if it will be very difficult to implement.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 18, 2017, 07:09:27 PM
onIdle is executed when no other animation is active for that object. It was meant to allow for constant animation, even while the menu is scrolling. Why not just add your current onIdle animation to your onHighlightEnter animation?

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Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 18, 2017, 07:22:55 PM
Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
onIdle is executed when no other animation is active for that object. It was meant to allow for constant animation, even while the menu is scrolling. Why not just add your current onIdle animation to your onHighlightEnter animation?
If I use <onHighlightEnter> when I run RetroFe I do not execute the code on the <onHighlightEnter>, until I move at least once left / right.

In addition, to run a game, it is necessary to wait for the animation in <onHighlightEnter> to finish. Using <onIdle> you do not have to wait for the animation to finish.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 18, 2017, 07:33:21 PM
That is true. In order not to break other themes I could add an onMenuIdle animation type for you. Should it execute once or continuously like onIdle?

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Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 18, 2017, 07:45:23 PM
I think onMenuIdle could work continuously as <onIdle> because you can make it run once by adding the code:

Code: [Select]
<set duration ="10000"><animate type=" nop"/></ set>
In this way you can make loop animations or a specific duration by modifying the code of the animation.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 21, 2017, 08:30:12 PM
Ok, give this one a try, and let me know if it works for you:
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on June 22, 2017, 09:30:32 PM
Ok, give this one a try, and let me know if it works for you:
@Pieter Hulshoff Thank you ;). You can see its implementation in this ( post
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Kam3leoN on June 25, 2017, 02:02:46 PM
Hello igarikoitz ;)

I would love to be able to test your theme "aura" and help you with its design. I find it ultimate :)
If you have an archive I want by MP;)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on June 30, 2017, 03:59:23 PM
Problem solved  ;). Waiting for the implementation of info files per game

Let me know if 0.8.11 solves this issue:
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on July 02, 2017, 03:51:28 PM
Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
Let me know if 0.8.11 solves this issue:

@Pieter Hulshoff ReloadableText works but ReloadableMedia No. I need both to implement "controller mapping information screen"
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on July 02, 2017, 04:29:56 PM
Can you give me example code of what does not work so I can debug?

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Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on July 02, 2017, 04:48:22 PM

Collection settings.conf code
Code: [Select]
media.buttonA = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/games/mapping/
media.buttonB = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/games/mapping/
media.buttonX = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/games/mapping/
media.buttonY = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/games/mapping/

Garou Mark of the Wolves.conf Code
Code: [Select]
buttonA = A
buttonB = B
buttonX = X
buttonY = Y

Layout code
Code: [Select]
<reloadableImage type="buttonA" alpha="1" x="1270" y="500" layer="10"/>
<reloadableImage type="buttonB" alpha="1" x="1270" y="520" layer="10"/>
<reloadableImage type="buttonX" alpha="1" x="1270" y="540" layer="10"/>
<reloadableImage type="buttonY" alpha="1" x="1270" y="560" layer="10"/>
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on July 02, 2017, 11:28:13 PM
I will investigate. 😀

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Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on July 05, 2017, 09:01:11 PM
Ok, see if this solves your issues:
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Sequence on July 19, 2017, 11:53:30 PM
NG. Thread with no submission. Watch only. NG
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on July 20, 2017, 06:16:34 AM
Ok, see if this solves your issues:

@Pieter Hulshoff it works! Sorry for the delay, In August I have vacations at work and that's when I'm going to put more hours into RetroFe's layout
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Sequence on July 21, 2017, 02:30:49 AM
igarikoitz, my bad for posting this on your thread but...I feel it's time to kill Zero Dreams forever. The emulation scene has been fantastic and I've come across so many different people/users. So...goodbye everyone and notch work and effort.  :'(
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Kam3leoN on July 25, 2017, 09:40:20 PM
Hello igarikoitz,

I love your arts players, stars, ratings, type info in transparent mode could you please share them in MP if you do not want to release your theme right away.

thank you ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: johnsaints on July 29, 2017, 06:19:14 AM
Amazing theme! Waiting here to test this great work. Thanks.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on July 29, 2017, 05:59:26 PM
@Pieter Hulshoff Today I have officially returned to the work of the layouts. I need 3 things:

Example: textType instead imageType:

Code: [Select]
<menu menuIndex="0" type="custom" textType="year" scrollTime=".30" scrollAcceleration=".15" orientation="horizontal">
  <itemDefaults x="center" y="center" font="helvetica.ttf" fontSize="24" loadFontSize="24" fontColor="000000" alpha="0" layer="10"/>
  <item />
  <item />
  <item selected="true" alpha=1/>
  <item />
  <item />

Example: If the player text inside the game info file/meta file is 1, load the 1.png image of the folder "players"

Code: [Select]
<menu menuIndex="0" type="custom" imageType="players" scrollTime=".30" scrollAcceleration=".15" orientation="horizontal">
  <itemDefaults x="400" y="800" alpha="0" layer="10"/>
  <item />
  <item />
  <item selected="true" alpha="1"/>
  <item />
  <item />

Code: [Select]
<menu menuIndex="0" type="custom" imageType="firstLetter" scrollTime=".30" scrollAcceleration=".15" orientation="horizontal">
  <itemDefaults x="center" y="950" alpha="0" layer="10"/>
  <item />
  <item />
  <item selected="true" alpha="1"/>
  <item />
  <item />
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on July 29, 2017, 07:24:27 PM
Just returned from my vacation; I'll have a look soon.

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Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on August 01, 2017, 09:01:04 AM
I'm also considering adding a reload flag to reloadable media so it gets reloaded (without animation) while scrolling. This would reduce the need for a new menu for every item you want reloaded while scrolling. Do keep in mind though that there's a performance impact depending on the speed of your storage medium; loading lots of art can really take up a lot of time.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on August 01, 2017, 01:00:27 PM
it's a good idea. If you implement it I try and tell you if it works as I expect
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: johnsaints on August 13, 2017, 02:33:24 PM
Hi. I really really like this theme. Do you guys have any release date for a preview build ?

Thank you for this work.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on August 18, 2017, 06:41:30 PM
Hi. I really really like this theme. Do you guys have any release date for a preview build ?

Thank you for this work.
I am debugging some animations and improving the overall quality of the layout.

@Pieter Hulshoff The reload flag to reloadable media (text, image and firstLetter) seems like a fantastic idea to me. When you can implement it, let me know so I can update my two Layouts and have them ready for the end of the month.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on August 19, 2017, 07:39:56 AM
Hi. I really really like this theme. Do you guys have any release date for a preview build ?

Thank you for this work.
I am debugging some animations and improving the overall quality of the layout.

@Pieter Hulshoff The reload flag to reloadable media (text, image and firstLetter) seems like a fantastic idea to me. When you can implement it, let me know so I can update my two Layouts and have them ready for the end of the month.

I'm currently in the process of transferring over to my new laptop, so I need a bit of time to get set up, but I'll see if I can find some time this week to add that in.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on August 19, 2017, 04:07:55 PM
Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
I'm currently in the process of transferring over to my new laptop, so I need a bit of time to get set up, but I'll see if I can find some time this week to add that in.
Do not worry, take as long as you need. ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on September 09, 2017, 09:43:26 AM
@Pieter Hulshoff, Do you plan to implement what we said in August?

Quote from: Pieter Hulshoff
I'm also considering adding a reload flag to reloadable media so it gets reloaded (without animation) while scrolling.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on September 09, 2017, 11:28:15 AM
Yes, but my work's kept me a tad busy. It's on the top of my to-do list.

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Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on September 19, 2017, 09:06:57 PM
Î'm starting to make some progress on this feature; I've already got the first few objects reloading while scrolling. It's clear that this has performance impact though, depending on your HD speed. Imagine the amount of data you have to reload when you're scrolling at 10 games per second or more.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on September 21, 2017, 06:41:03 AM
Can i try this new feature in my layout to see if it is workable?
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on September 21, 2017, 07:27:35 AM
I'll finish up next week, and build a release for you to play with.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on September 29, 2017, 05:49:51 PM
Here's a beta exe to play around with. The attribute is called menuScrollReload, so simply add menuScrollReload="true" to the reloadable items you want to reload immediately. As always: keep a copy of your working .exe as well, because this .exe is largely untested.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: psibash on October 09, 2017, 02:16:09 AM
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on October 14, 2017, 10:35:46 AM
Here's a beta exe to play around with. The attribute is called menuScrollReload, so simply add menuScrollReload="true" to the reloadable items you want to reload immediately. As always: keep a copy of your working .exe as well, because this .exe is largely untested.

It works great with simpler things like text and small images, but applying it to videos makes the whole design work with slowdowns. Still, it's a great addition for those who design Layout. Thanks for including this new feature Pieter Hulshoff. Very thankful ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on October 14, 2017, 10:53:49 AM
Important note: After being days thinking about it, I decided to put all my efforts in a single Layout Aura 4K (, instead of in two. for this reason I will stop updating Aura. I'm really sorry for those who expected the original aura design to come out. Designing and editing two layout and all of artworks takes a lot of time out of my life and I am not willing to leave other things aside because I am 100% of my free time designing for retrofe.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: dougan78 on October 14, 2017, 01:14:05 PM
Maybe attach your wip if you can so someone else can pick it up if they want a time sink?  Thanks for your efforts!
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on November 04, 2018, 07:42:57 PM
Surprise (  ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: johnsaints on November 05, 2018, 02:01:35 AM
Cool. Nice job.
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: Mazer on November 05, 2018, 08:50:48 AM
good jobs I can not wait to download it
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on November 08, 2018, 06:28:27 AM
I am pleased to announce that I will publish my first "Aura" design on Github before the end of this month. I am perfecting it as much as possible before its publication. Thanks for your patience ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on November 11, 2018, 09:52:01 PM
New Aura Test 7 ( I hope you like it
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on November 18, 2018, 07:42:21 PM
I'm editing the first post to put as much information as possible on the Layout. The publication date is very close ;)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on November 25, 2018, 11:13:38 PM
Added new video. To see it you can click on the image:

( (
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 01, 2018, 02:03:42 PM
I created the Aura repository on github. I have also put the link to download it. Everything on the first page of the thread. Thanks for your patience!
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: maquina on December 01, 2018, 04:03:00 PM
Llevo todo el mes ingresando para ver cuando liberarías tu tema. Excelente trabajo, Saludos desde un país que se llama Chile  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 01, 2018, 05:13:07 PM
@iGarikoitz in the .bat what line should you put to use just the MAME emulator because I do not use Retroarch

Here is the solution:

1. Download mame and put inside of the emulators folder
2. Put the rom file in the rom folder inside mame folder
3. edit the code of game.bat file to:

Code: [Select]
"../../emulators/mame/mame64.exe" -rompath "../../emulators/mame/roms" "rom name"
Llevo todo el mes ingresando para ver cuando liberarías tu tema. Excelente trabajo, Saludos desde un país que se llama Chile  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Gracias maquina, espero que lo disfrutes ;)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 03, 2018, 06:47:52 PM
what is the% of blur Gaussian fanart blur?
Sorry, I forgot to comment:

When you add a game, you have to include six images in JPG. Why in JPG image format? Because RetroFE works more fluid using JPG compared to PNG.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 05, 2018, 05:49:30 PM
Maybe over time I put a system selection menu, but for now I'm going to leave the Layer as it is: Main menu with all the games and then the information screen.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 06, 2018, 10:39:20 AM
New update: Aura 1.0 Beta v2 (

First post updated too.

Enjoy ;)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: cassette on December 10, 2018, 06:55:40 PM
The release of this theme is the real GOTY by far. You're the best man !
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on December 12, 2018, 12:28:44 AM
This theme is awesome and I'm glad I waited for it.

As nice as the theme is, could you make a "dark" or "lights out" version of the theme?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 12, 2018, 05:25:35 AM
firewater and makaveeti, I'm glad you like it.

As nice as the theme is, could you make a "dark" or "lights out" version of the theme?
I'll think about it, although first I want to improve some things.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on December 12, 2018, 06:57:53 PM
Seeing the following error in the logs. What does it mean? When you select a game, the info for the game is not shown.

[2018-12-12 18:56:07] [INFO] [Menu] File does not exist: "C:\Users\Imran\Aura1b2Test\collections\garou mark of the wolves\menu.txt"
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on December 12, 2018, 09:02:14 PM
Seeing the following error in the logs. What does it mean? When you select a game, the info for the game is not shown.

[2018-12-12 18:56:07] [INFO] [Menu] File does not exist: "C:\Users\Imran\Aura1b2Test\collections\garou mark of the wolves\menu.txt"

That's not an error message; that's an info message letting you know the garou mark of wolves collection does not have a menu.txt, which is to be expected. Only collections that point to other collections (rather than games) have a menu.txt.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on December 12, 2018, 10:24:00 PM
@iGarikoitz - In the latest theme download. You named the conf files in the info folders using the game names which causes the game info not to appear. These need renaming to game.conf for the info to start displaying again.

Not sure if this is an oversight or not.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 13, 2018, 08:56:05 PM
@iGarikoitz - In the latest theme download. You named the conf files in the info folders using the game names which causes the game info not to appear. These need renaming to game.conf for the info to start displaying again.

Not sure if this is an oversight or not.

Use the latest beta: Aura 1.0 beta v2 (

If you put for example inside the garou mark of the wolves folder, you will see that the conf file inside the info folder has the same name as that is: garou.conf The file of the game and the file conf that is inside the folder info, they must have the same name so that the information of the game is shown in the frontend.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on December 13, 2018, 10:52:47 PM
@iGarikoitz - In the latest theme download. You named the conf files in the info folders using the game names which causes the game info not to appear. These need renaming to game.conf for the info to start displaying again.

Not sure if this is an oversight or not.

Use the latest beta: Aura 1.0 beta v2 (

If you put for example inside the garou mark of the wolves folder, you will see that the conf file inside the info folder has the same name as that is: garou.conf The file of the game and the file conf that is inside the folder info, they must have the same name so that the information of the game is shown in the frontend.

You are 100% correct :) Thanks for clarifying.

On a side note, I know you use an xbox controller in the layout. Is there any scope to include a playstation 2 controller? Perhaps you have the clip art files that you can send me so I can replace the files?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on December 17, 2018, 12:29:55 PM
@iGarikoitz Hello would it be possible for you to add other game developer, game score, game year. because it lacks a lot of stuff at this level the
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on December 17, 2018, 12:36:29 PM
I know @bactino, I'm preparing a very big update, where I'm going to add a lot of things and improve the ones that are already there.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: maquina on December 18, 2018, 02:48:01 PM
La actualización podría ser un regalo de navidad...
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on January 02, 2019, 09:09:44 AM
news ?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Floyd on January 06, 2019, 11:23:15 PM
I am trying to set this theme up but I am having problems with adding games. Especially Super Nintendo System game called Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World but no matter what I do (and I did correctly setup the parameters ) the game just won't appear in the menu. Is there a or some specific game naming convention the theme is following ?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on January 07, 2019, 06:09:29 AM
I am trying to set this theme up but I am having problems with adding games. Especially Super Nintendo System game called Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World but no matter what I do (and I did correctly setup the parameters ) the game just won't appear in the menu. Is there a or some specific game naming convention the theme is following ?
That's never theme related; if it's there it will show up, with or without art. Perhaps the rom is in the wrong place or with the wrong extension? Perhaps the + causes issues on your OS?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Floyd on January 07, 2019, 11:23:02 AM
I am trying to set this theme up but I am having problems with adding games. Especially Super Nintendo System game called Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World but no matter what I do (and I did correctly setup the parameters ) the game just won't appear in the menu. Is there a or some specific game naming convention the theme is following ?
That's never theme related; if it's there it will show up, with or without art. Perhaps the rom is in the wrong place or with the wrong extension? Perhaps the + causes issues on your OS?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

The rom file is in correct position. In the collections/game name/ folder. I tried even to rename the rom file to something more simple like "super mario" and also renamed the corresponding folder name with additional changes to file information but nothing happened. I tried to add a Mame game "super pang" and that worked fine so I suppose in case of a SNES game I have set it up correctly can't track down the error. The log file shows nothing special. Would you be kind to test it out with that specific snes rom game Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World and see if you can make it run? Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on January 07, 2019, 01:18:10 PM
Email me both roms  and I'll see what I can figure out. You're saying it doesn't show in the list? Send me the settings.conf of that collection too then, please.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: maquina on January 07, 2019, 04:47:18 PM
if you use retroarch:

download core:
Nintendo - SNES/ Famicon (Snes9x) supports: roms smc, sfc, swc, fig, bs


archive settings.conf (collections/Super Mario All Stars/settings.conf )
Code: [Select]
list.path            = collections/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%
list.extensions      = smc,sfc,swc,fig,bs
launcher             = Super Nintendo Entertainment System
media.system_artwork = collections/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/

archive Super Nintendo Entertainment System.conf (launchers/Super Nintendo Entertainment System.conf)
Code: [Select]
executable = %RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\retroarch\retroarch.exe
arguments = retroarch -L "cores\snes9x_libretro.dll" "%ITEM_FILEPATH%"

it should work

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Floyd on January 07, 2019, 06:38:41 PM
OK guys, I figured out where I went wrong. My mistake was pretty simple and easy to overlook. I added the game correctly to the collections folder but I forgot to add the. game name inside the Main folder. Added this and it works now fine.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on January 07, 2019, 06:44:02 PM
Would be great if you could put it in settings.conf to look in a folder to automatically add the games (menu format) in the menu.txt

This, avoids having to write every game you want to put in Aura.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Floyd on January 07, 2019, 06:46:44 PM
Would be great if you could put it in settings.conf to look in a folder to automatically add the games (menu format) in the menu.txt

This, avoids having to write every game you want to put in Aura.

Wait did I miss something? Is there an option for this in the main settings?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on January 07, 2019, 09:46:35 PM
Would be great if you could put it in settings.conf to look in a folder to automatically add the games (menu format) in the menu.txt

This, avoids having to write every game you want to put in Aura.

it's possibible to create another submenu ?

example :

- SNES etc...

submenu ARCADE
- 1941
- ghost and goblins
- another games ecc
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: cassette on January 15, 2019, 03:57:43 AM
I'm wondering, what's the source for the sound effects? They're really good!
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on January 18, 2019, 10:55:17 AM
@iGarikoitz news ?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on January 20, 2019, 09:15:05 AM
I am simplifying some things to add the games in a simpler way.

Besides this I have thought and implemented in a way to have several languages in Aura: At the moment it is translated in English and Spanish.

As soon as it is finished, I will upload the commit to the github code and add a new download.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on January 21, 2019, 09:43:07 PM

thank you very much ... I can not wait to add your theme ... I just wait for your theme to put the retrofe on my cabinet ... how long will it take? do you have a date? will it be possible to add the various sections (arcade, snes, neogeo ecc ..)?
thanks again for the work you are doing ...
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on January 25, 2019, 03:58:57 PM
hi iGarikoitz , your base theme for pc games collection :
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on February 05, 2019, 06:47:14 PM
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on February 17, 2019, 08:17:28 PM
I continue working on the design and simplification of the ui to make it more minimalist. I hope you like the improvements I'm working on:


Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on February 18, 2019, 10:12:38 AM
fantastic work iGarikoitz  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on March 06, 2019, 08:53:32 PM
new screenshots


Title: Re: Aura
Post by: adu on March 11, 2019, 08:17:34 AM
Thanks for this amazing work !
I just have a question : is it possible you provided the layout and buttons for a Dualshock 4, for those who didn't use a xbox controller ? So we can still use your awesome theme ?
And I hope some day you will make somthing to switch between differents systems, like someone else asked you (instead of having everything on the same screen, quite overwhelming when you have a hundred games or more ;))
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on March 12, 2019, 06:34:48 AM
new screenshots



it's perfect :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: darkebola on March 13, 2019, 03:34:29 PM
this my release of aura Street fighter edition :


Title: Re: Aura
Post by: NeoID on May 10, 2019, 03:07:48 PM
I have been gone quite some time (Kids steal a lot of time FYI), but I'm honestly amazed by your talent, iGarikoitz!
Looking forward for the latest changed to be added to your Github as I would love to use your theme on my new build. :)

Is there an easy way to split a MAME collection into packs?

I'll share my own project when I get some more time. I've developed a separate application/helper that adds search to RetroFE and automatically downloads/generates all the required images for the theme.
My main focus now is to develop cache-support so games can be pulled from a NAS and cached locally in the background. I'm not a big fan of having all games stored on the device I play without redundancy. :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: pequetren on July 08, 2019, 07:54:01 PM
Hi iGarikoitz
Very elegant your theme, although from what I have seen the video only plays music and is not displayed on the screen. You have space under the last capture to show a high quality videosnap, value if you put it in next versions, I think it would be visually better. Greetings and good work.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Enkak on July 11, 2019, 01:46:24 AM
First let me thank you iGarikoitz for the great theme. :)

What you can see in the prints below is basically what some people here and elsewhere were asking if it was possible. Aura working with a standard system main menu and everything separated by system collections instead of individual game collections, with most things adjusting automatically using meta data xml lists and common folders. You can also notice in this mod different or extra media in the games panel, or buttons with extra information in the bottom to how the theme works in all the menus/pages, among other things.

Base used was Aura 1.0 beta v2 and inspiration from some recent WIP iGarikoitz prints. RetroFE core version is 0.9.0

I have more prints and video, but forum limits number of attachments. Since everyone knows how this theme originally works there's no surprise in saying that this was a hard modification to accomplish. Even more if we think about LaunchBox Big Box port and others having some issues with this kind of structure.

Still, this is ongoing work in progress, polishing stuff, finding the better code solution for each system because box art or flyers dimensions can change dramatically like Dreamcast, SNES and others. I'm missing some features here that other frontends have but that is a talk for other time. Cheers.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Enkak on July 12, 2019, 04:37:28 PM
Ongoing work in progress. :)

Since each system has different boxart dimensions, some need compromises like SNES titles being smaller in the games list menu for example for everything to fit. This is made possible because each system has its own layout so we can change whatever we feel that needs changing.

You can also see in these prints the possibility of specific edits in the code to read (or not read) custom default files for specific actions pertaining to each system controller commands. Dreamcast controller didn't had originally a select button, so we can take out that default button icon/action. For Amiga, the emulator offers some extra functionalities that can be important on a system like this like access/use of the save states in the menu for example. So we can put in the controller graphic those default actions (like the Turbo/Auto Fire buttons were in NES) and so on.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: pequetren on July 13, 2019, 05:08:42 PM
Hi Enkak, how did you do the main menu and systems? this would be perfect. Good job. Could you someday share it? Greetings.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Enkak on July 13, 2019, 08:02:24 PM
Hi Enkak, how did you do the main menu and systems? this would be perfect. Good job. Could you someday share it? Greetings.

Hi pequetren. :)

Don't worry, it will be shared when it's ready. I'm tweaking some parts of the code, polishing things, especially concerning how different systems art can be adapted. Each system boxart (or flyers in arcade systems) have different dimensions so there's a focus on how that will look on the menus/game panel and glass/crystal effect.

Even with many things working automatized in this mod, 1 or 2 will need a compromise/simple instructions like in the original theme to work better. Stuff like system x boxart/flyer dimension should have y width per z height or a multiple of that.

Here's some more wip prints:
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: pequetren on July 15, 2019, 06:36:41 PM
Hi Enkak, how did you do the main menu and systems? this would be perfect. Good job. Could you someday share it? Greetings.

Hi pequetren. :)

Don't worry, it will be shared when it's ready. I'm tweaking some parts of the code, polishing things, especially concerning how different systems art can be adapted. Each system boxart (or flyers in arcade systems) have different dimensions so there's a focus on how that will look on the menus/game panel and glass/crystal effect.

Even with many things working automatized in this mod, 1 or 2 will need a compromise/simple instructions like in the original theme to work better. Stuff like system x boxart/flyer dimension should have y width per z height or a multiple of that.

Here's some more wip prints:

Well thank you very much for sharing. The size of the arts I do not see a very difficult problem, is to know what is the correct dimension of the image and generate an action in photoshop that resizes the image to those measurements, then automate a batch of images and the process is very fast even if you have 500 or more images. They could be a bit deformed, but you save a lot of work.
Best regards.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Enkak on July 16, 2019, 03:14:07 AM
Well thank you very much for sharing. The size of the arts I do not see a very difficult problem, is to know what is the correct dimension of the image and generate an action in photoshop that resizes the image to those measurements, then automate a batch of images and the process is very fast even if you have 500 or more images. They could be a bit deformed, but you save a lot of work.
Best regards.

Yes, I'm doing exactly that. :) If the system doesn't have art where files have all the same dimensions, I pick one that I feel is the best and batch all the rest to follow that. Most times when deforming happens it's minimal. Cheers :)

Meanwhile, some more wip prints:
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: pequetren on July 19, 2019, 07:34:34 PM
Very well your images is very good, I will wait for your news. Greetings and very good work.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: makaveeti on July 21, 2019, 12:26:02 AM
I continue working on the design and simplification of the ui to make it more minimalist. I hope you like the improvements I'm working on:



Excellent work mate. The theme just gets better and better. Can you upload the latest theme to the github link in the original post please?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Enkak on July 29, 2019, 06:42:17 PM
A little bit of news. :)
The mod is still ongoing, with most systems codes layouts that I thought to include already edited.

The mod forces now specific dimensions to boxart/flyers in main menus for each system and game panel. The best course of action will be always to optimize the files and have them already with the "ideal" dimensions but now the theme can do the job for you. The intention, as with other things in the mod, is to make things easier and more automatic to anyone. This was a bit of a challenge because the code, initially, changed default animations so I had to work a little to regain/maintain iGarikoitz original vision when you enter a collection.

Alpha channels transparency were tweaked a little also for backgrounds since I'm not using blurred files to avoid duplicates of same art (but you can use them of course), and mod runs faster too currently, a necessity because we're dealing with the possibility of systems and bigger collections instead of smaller ones.

Cheers. :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: adu on July 29, 2019, 07:00:25 PM
Awesome work ! Can't wait to use it on my Vewlix Cab !  :D
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mark Norville on August 05, 2019, 05:37:29 PM
I don't know what to say, I was cleaning out my email and came across an email from retrofe from 2017 so two years since I have been here.

I thought that I would see what has happened, and I am BLOWN AWAY by seeing this skin. BLOWN AWAY.

I really am stunned for words, so I shall have a look at your tube videos.

*** Update ***

Just to ask, you have place holders for images, is it at all possible to have video playing or does it look too small?


Title: Re: Aura
Post by: kinesico on December 05, 2019, 03:43:12 PM
I love this theme, i hope soon can you upload this new mod to add collections

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on December 05, 2019, 04:40:42 PM
Some people have been creating small builds based on this theme:
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Enkak on December 05, 2019, 08:20:24 PM
I love this theme, i hope soon can you upload this new mod to add collections

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thank you for the interest. The mod was completed a while ago and evolved to follow even more iGarikoitz's original vision and design as intended. Sadly I must tell you that there will be no release of it, for the moment, because of how some people decided to behave, unsurprisingly, when I started sharing here prints and work in progress. Their prerogative. I have no affiliation with them and don't want to have.

PS/quick edit: Just in case that wasn't clear, the mod has a completely different structure compared to the original theme or certain stuff out there.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: kinesico on December 07, 2019, 10:48:45 AM
I love this theme, i hope soon can you upload this new mod to add collections

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thank you for the interest. The mod was completed a while ago and evolved to follow even more iGarikoitz's original vision and design as intended. Sadly I must tell you that there will be no release of it, for the moment, because of how some people decided to behave, unsurprisingly, when I started sharing here prints and work in progress. Their prerogative. I have no affiliation with them and don't want to have.

PS/quick edit: Just in case that wasn't clear, the mod has a completely different structure compared to the original theme or certain stuff out there.

I am sorry for what you are commenting, because it is a great job that you have done. I wish I had the knowledge to develop it myself. I hope that one day you can share it with the community. Greetings from Chile
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: kinesico on December 15, 2019, 04:40:29 PM
How can I add pc games (steam, origin)
To this theme?? What file I need to add to collection folder??
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: JonahUK on January 22, 2020, 11:50:26 PM
I love this theme, i hope soon can you upload this new mod to add collections

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thank you for the interest. The mod was completed a while ago and evolved to follow even more iGarikoitz's original vision and design as intended. Sadly I must tell you that there will be no release of it, for the moment, because of how some people decided to behave, unsurprisingly, when I started sharing here prints and work in progress. Their prerogative. I have no affiliation with them and don't want to have.

PS/quick edit: Just in case that wasn't clear, the mod has a completely different structure compared to the original theme or certain stuff out there.

This is such a shame. I hope you will reconsider?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: BILL on March 09, 2020, 01:44:06 PM
Hi guys.
Please tell me how to add music to the main menu?
I noticed a mistake. If the file info.conf indicates the year of release of the game is less than 1985, it is not displayed.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on March 31, 2023, 07:52:45 PM
hello I'm looking for exactly this font because it's for continuing the project. Can you help me if someone has the real fonts? (
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Pieter Hulshoff on March 31, 2023, 09:59:29 PM
Please tell me how to add music to the main menu?

What kind of music are you looking for? Just play the same audio file over and over again?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: blayes84 on July 02, 2023, 08:17:03 AM
Im not sure what font it is, but there's a good chance it's one of the fonts in the font folder under the layout folder. Open each one up and see if there's a match.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: blayes84 on July 02, 2023, 08:23:10 AM
I've also attempted to make my personal version of this Aura theme as it's the best I've seen for console games (wouldn't share it out of respect for the original creator). Put a lot of work into it the past year. Got it working with the same type of menu system as other popular builds like CoinOPS with the help of onMenuIdle. Not as good as selecting a game to go into the games menu like the original Aura theme, but using Retrofe I don't think there's another way to do it without making each collection a game like the original. I absolutely love it, and having spent the last year on it, I can see how much work the creator put into it planning, and creating it. Much respect.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 02, 2023, 07:19:38 PM
I also created a small version with the possibility to choose the console with a new menu


Title: Re: Aura
Post by: blayes84 on July 03, 2023, 02:25:01 AM
nice! very clean. I made custom cover frames for all artwork covers. ps3 was the hardest one
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 03, 2023, 04:11:32 PM
I also created a small version with the possibility to choose the console with a new menu



You were able to use the art in the retrofe variable, for example:

metadata.type = %ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%

#media.artwork_back    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\artwork_back
#media.artwork_front   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\artwork_front
#media.logo            = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\logo
#media.medium_back     = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\medium_back
#media.medium_front    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\medium_front
#media.screenshot      = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\screenshot
#media.screentitle     = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\screentitle           = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\video
#media.system_artwork  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\system_artwork

Any of the above variables?
That's why I only managed using "system_artwok" and naming the image to cover.
I already changed the line "imageType="cover" to "artwork_front" and I couldn't.

If possible, could you please explain, thank you.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 03, 2023, 05:21:09 PM
check image

# The location of where your ROM items exist. Examples:
# list.path = D:/ROMs/MAME                (absolute path)
# list.path = ../ROMs/MAME                (relative path to root of FE dir)
# If BASE_ITEM_PATH=D:/ROMs and the name of this collection is named "Nintendo Entertainment System" then the configuration below will search in
# "D:/ROMs/mame"
# list.path =collections/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%

# If a game is specified in include.txt then it will be included in the list
# regardless of if the rom actually exists or not. Set this variable to false
# to exclude any items that cannot be found.
list.includeMissingItems = true

# Extensions are comma separated without spaces
list.extensions = zip
# If a menu.xml file exists, it will display the menu alphabetically. To
# not auto-sort the menu items alphabetically, set the following to false.
# This does not apply to how your ROMs are sorted.
list.menuSort = true

# The executable to run when an item in a collection item is selected
launcher = mame

# Default media paths to scan for artwork. Uncomment and edit to override
# the default values.

metadata.type = Arcade

# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
# media.artwork_back  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_back
# media.artwork_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_front
# media.logo          = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/logo
# media.medium_back   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_back
# media.medium_front  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_front
# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
#         = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/video
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 03, 2023, 06:08:22 PM
I think it would be great to revive Aura and see the things we could improve or others, because the theme is really interesting.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 03, 2023, 09:40:49 PM
check image

# The location of where your ROM items exist. Examples:
# list.path = D:/ROMs/MAME                (absolute path)
# list.path = ../ROMs/MAME                (relative path to root of FE dir)
# If BASE_ITEM_PATH=D:/ROMs and the name of this collection is named "Nintendo Entertainment System" then the configuration below will search in
# "D:/ROMs/mame"
# list.path =collections/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%

# If a game is specified in include.txt then it will be included in the list
# regardless of if the rom actually exists or not. Set this variable to false
# to exclude any items that cannot be found.
list.includeMissingItems = true

# Extensions are comma separated without spaces
list.extensions = zip
# If a menu.xml file exists, it will display the menu alphabetically. To
# not auto-sort the menu items alphabetically, set the following to false.
# This does not apply to how your ROMs are sorted.
list.menuSort = true

# The executable to run when an item in a collection item is selected
launcher = mame

# Default media paths to scan for artwork. Uncomment and edit to override
# the default values.

metadata.type = Arcade

# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
# media.artwork_back  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_back
# media.artwork_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_front
# media.logo          = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/logo
# media.medium_back   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_back
# media.medium_front  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_front
# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
#         = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/video

But you are using it inside the layout folder I want to use it inside the collections folder outside the layout like all the other themes and I already changed it and even then you only read the fanart and the story.

Remembering... if I remove the "mode="system" he can find the fanart and the story as a folder and the others put artwork_front, 3d_front, cover, no way it won't load.

even if I change it in settings.conf it doesn't read the file
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: iGarikoitz on July 04, 2023, 06:10:04 PM
I feel flattered that there are people who want to continue working on this theme for RetroFE. I'm sorry that I couldn't continue with it due to lack of time. With the existing material, you can do whatever you want, but what I would like is for you to take the ideas you like the most and develop your own themes.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 04, 2023, 06:21:52 PM
@sonkers Actually, I modified Aura by adding a wheel with different consoles, and I changed the location where ROMs are added. I removed the menu where you could see the three images, the story with the gamepad because I found it too much work to add each game separately.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 04, 2023, 08:02:17 PM
@sonkers Actually, I modified Aura by adding a wheel with different consoles, and I changed the location where ROMs are added. I removed the menu where you could see the three images, the story with the gamepad because I found it too much work to add each game separately.

This part of the gamepad I'm doing little by little a day, what intrigues me is that it doesn't appear like the TITAN theme among others.rsrsrsrsrs
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 04, 2023, 08:05:41 PM
I feel flattered that there are people who want to continue working on this theme for RetroFE. I'm sorry that I couldn't continue with it due to lack of time. With the existing material, you can do whatever you want, but what I would like is for you to take the ideas you like the most and develop your own themes.

Just release what you have to update there (like the test 7 video for example) and the newest 4K and that's it and we'll continue and let's see what we can increment and try to finish.
I know that every hour more things appear, but it ends somehow.
Just release it for us, by the way, I sent you a private message asking about it, if possible, we are at your orders.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 04, 2023, 08:33:38 PM
It seems that the Aura 4K is not shared because it is something personal that he works on occasionally when he has some free time, but he won't share it. However, I would have really liked to have the latest Aura theme with shadows on the covers where there is no Gaussian blur.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 04, 2023, 09:30:09 PM
It seems that the Aura 4K is not shared because it is something personal that he works on occasionally when he has some free time, but he won't share it. However, I would have really liked to have the latest Aura theme with shadows on the covers where there is no Gaussian blur.

Well...I will try to do my part for those who want to accompany me well if not I'm going to see who has an affinity with xml in some animations and transitions and that's fine, the gear just can't stop.
There were some who just wanted attention and said they didn't want to continue because nobody spoke and blah blah blah. My attention would only be on the doubts that appeared. That's all.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 01:45:34 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 05, 2023, 05:36:15 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 05:45:35 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together (
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 05, 2023, 05:47:36 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

Would you know how to make the roms find the images with the names of the roms themselves?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together (
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 05:56:45 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together (

The ROM must have the same name as the image, and the information in the XML file in HyperList should also correspond to the information.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 05, 2023, 06:04:43 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together (

And the names of each cover how was it to find?
It couldn't be all named "cover" so it's named after the rom right?
Would you mind showing?

Inside meta/hyperlist/file.xml folder?
But I realized that there is nothing like an image, but palatorfam, year, name of the game where the images would fit in the code because what I have here does not show:

<game name="18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (USA)">
<description>18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (USA)</description>
<story>8 wheels, 20 tons of load, 18m long and 15,000km of road!
Your mission: Transport the goods on time at the wheel of one of the 4 trucks, beating your opponents.
Warning !! Anything goes, but to be the best you need to take care of your cargo. In the event of a crash,
your cargo will depreciate. The diversity of the game modes will allow you to perfect your technique, to
test your fighting spirit or challenge a friend!
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker opens the doors to American road fun!</story>

Now if it's inside the xml of the layout then it would be something else because even if I indicate the path it won't go at all
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 06:12:13 PM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together (

And the names of each cover how was it to find?
It couldn't be all named "cover" so it's named after the rom right?
Would you mind showing?

Inside meta/hyperlist/file.xml folder?
But I realized that there is nothing like an image, but palatorfam, year, name of the game where the images would fit in the code because what I have here does not show:

<game name="18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (USA)">
<description>18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (USA)</description>
<story>8 wheels, 20 tons of load, 18m long and 15,000km of road!
Your mission: Transport the goods on time at the wheel of one of the 4 trucks, beating your opponents.
Warning !! Anything goes, but to be the best you need to take care of your cargo. In the event of a crash,
your cargo will depreciate. The diversity of the game modes will allow you to perfect your technique, to
test your fighting spirit or challenge a friend!
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker opens the doors to American road fun!</story>

Now if it's inside the xml of the layout then it would be something else because even if I indicate the path it won't go at all

The best would be for you to send me your Aura pack. I will look at the things that are not working.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 06:14:30 PM
example for the arcade version at my place the images can be found here D:\Aurora\layouts\Aurora-master\collections\Arcade\medium_artwork\artwork_front
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 05, 2023, 06:44:57 PM
example for the arcade version at my place the images can be found here D:\Aurora\layouts\Aurora-master\collections\Arcade\medium_artwork\artwork_front

In my case I want to leave it the same as TITAN Example:


inside that folder has:


and consequently inside these folders the images with the names of the roms

This is what I put in the theme's xml:

menu menuIndex="1" type="custom" imageType="cover"

change to:
imageType="artwork_front" or "medium_artwork" and it doesn't find the filename that matches the rom

If I rename the image to cover by changing the search to another imagetype it recognizes it but not the rom name.

Fanart , story, video he can read normally but the cover not at all
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 06:54:06 PM
example for the arcade version at my place the images can be found here D:\Aurora\layouts\Aurora-master\collections\Arcade\medium_artwork\artwork_front

In my case I want to leave it the same as TITAN Example:


inside that folder has:


and consequently inside these folders the images with the names of the roms

This is what I put in the theme's xml:

menu menuIndex="1" type="custom" imageType="cover"

change to:
imageType="artwork_front" or "medium_artwork" and it doesn't find the filename that matches the rom

If I rename the image to cover by changing the search to another imagetype it recognizes it but not the rom name.

Fanart , story, video he can read normally but the cover not at all
exemple my layout for covers game

<menu menuIndex="0" mode="layout" type="custom" imageType="artwork_front" scrollTime=".30" scrollAcceleration=".1" orientation="horizontal">
  <itemDefaults x="center" y="center"  xOrigin="center" yOrigin="center" alpha="0" width="232" spacing="10" layer="11"/>
  <item xOffset="-357"/>
  <item selected="true" alpha="1" width="460">
      <onEnter><set duration=".5"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/><animate type="width" from="240" to="520"/></set><set duration=".2"><animate type="width" from="520" to="460"/></set></onEnter>
      <onMenuExit menuIndex="0"><set duration=".3"><animate type="x" to="285"/></set></onMenuExit>
      <onMenuExit menuIndex="1"><set duration=".3"><animate type="x" to="center"/></set></onMenuExit>
  <item xOffset="357"/>

create an artwork_front folder in medium_artwork is add the images in artwork_front my as said if I don't see your aura I can help you too much if you can send it to me without the roms that I look at the problem more closely

because if you have made modifications or other it is complicated to give you the right indication
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 07:01:05 PM
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 05, 2023, 08:30:36 PM
example for the arcade version at my place the images can be found here D:\Aurora\layouts\Aurora-master\collections\Arcade\medium_artwork\artwork_front

In my case I want to leave it the same as TITAN Example:


inside that folder has:


and consequently inside these folders the images with the names of the roms

This is what I put in the theme's xml:

menu menuIndex="1" type="custom" imageType="cover"

change to:
imageType="artwork_front" or "medium_artwork" and it doesn't find the filename that matches the rom

If I rename the image to cover by changing the search to another imagetype it recognizes it but not the rom name.

Fanart , story, video he can read normally but the cover not at all
exemple my layout for covers game

<menu menuIndex="0" mode="layout" type="custom" imageType="artwork_front" scrollTime=".30" scrollAcceleration=".1" orientation="horizontal">
  <itemDefaults x="center" y="center"  xOrigin="center" yOrigin="center" alpha="0" width="232" spacing="10" layer="11"/>
  <item xOffset="-357"/>
  <item selected="true" alpha="1" width="460">
      <onEnter><set duration=".5"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/><animate type="width" from="240" to="520"/></set><set duration=".2"><animate type="width" from="520" to="460"/></set></onEnter>
      <onMenuExit menuIndex="0"><set duration=".3"><animate type="x" to="285"/></set></onMenuExit>
      <onMenuExit menuIndex="1"><set duration=".3"><animate type="x" to="center"/></set></onMenuExit>
  <item xOffset="357"/>

create an artwork_front folder in medium_artwork is add the images in artwork_front my as said if I don't see your aura I can help you too much if you can send it to me without the roms that I look at the problem more closely

because if you have made modifications or other it is complicated to give you the right indication

and your system.conf how would it be?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 08:39:54 PM
executable = %RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\RetroArch-Win64\retroarch.exe
arguments = retroarch -L "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\RetroArch-Win64\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "%ITEM_FILEPATH%"
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 05, 2023, 08:59:19 PM
OK, does it work now?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 05, 2023, 09:31:44 PM
OK, does it work now?

Do not string this settings.conf from the launcher, but inside the folder.

Answering your question I found the error

Even if I removed the "mode="system" " I hadn't paid attention to the mode = layout

Thank you very much

Having more doubts can I call?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 06, 2023, 09:23:29 AM
OK, does it work now?

Do not string this settings.conf from the launcher, but inside the folder.

Answering your question I found the error

Even if I removed the "mode="system" " I hadn't paid attention to the mode = layout

Thank you very much

Having more doubts can I call?

no problem :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 06, 2023, 09:28:17 AM
OK, does it work now?

Do not string this settings.conf from the launcher, but inside the folder.

Answering your question I found the error

Even if I removed the "mode="system" " I hadn't paid attention to the mode = layout

Thank you very much

Having more doubts can I call?

no problem :)

tks :)
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 07, 2023, 12:23:12 PM
OK, does it work now?

Do not string this settings.conf from the launcher, but inside the folder.

Answering your question I found the error

Even if I removed the "mode="system" " I hadn't paid attention to the mode = layout

Thank you very much

Having more doubts can I call?

no problem :)

Is there any animation that rotates on the object's own axis?
I'm not talking about the angle
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 07, 2023, 12:26:25 PM
I feel flattered that there are people who want to continue working on this theme for RetroFE. I'm sorry that I couldn't continue with it due to lack of time. With the existing material, you can do whatever you want, but what I would like is for you to take the ideas you like the most and develop your own themes.

The animation of the aura 4K at the beginning, I think where it forms a square, did you use video or was it the object itself in the xml itself?
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 07, 2023, 04:35:17 PM
it's xml he had spoken about it once I it's not too much or
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 08, 2023, 03:30:23 AM
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe (

Hello again!,

How did you manage to make the start transition work every time?
 I put OnEnter and onMenuEnter and it doesn't work.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 08, 2023, 06:51:35 AM
send your layout I'll see what's wrong

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 08, 2023, 06:13:40 PM
send your layout I'll see what's wrong

i send to you later but first, i try again.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 02, 2024, 07:40:22 PM
Hello, I am continuing slowly but steadily on Aura, which is a theme I really appreciate. Here is a small update: it is now possible to add multiple systems.

Title: Re: Aura
Post by: sonkers on July 09, 2024, 07:47:47 PM
If you can share your xml I would be grateful as I am making several menus to include in a single method.
Title: Re: Aura
Post by: Mazer on July 10, 2024, 05:11:37 PM
my layout