When you create a <menu> tag and use <imageType> you are limited to displaying the image of a folder with the name of the system or game. Example:
If the game is called "fatal fury" it will load the image fatal fury.png that is inside the folder called logo.
<menu type = "custom" imageType = "logo" scrollTime = ".3" scrollAcceleration = ".15" orientation = "horizontal">
Now, if you wanted to show the image of the developer of the game so that it synchronized the animation along with the logo of the game using <menu> tag, the only way there is now is to create a folder called developer and create an image called fatal fury. png to put it like this:
<menu type = "custom" imageType = "developer" scrollTime = ".3" scrollAcceleration = ".15" orientation = "horizontal">
I would like to not be limited to show only the images in that way. I would like to use the <menu> tag to show the images / text of the game information that is saved in the meta folder or in the recent info files.
We could use <menu type = "info" imageType = "developer" ... like this example:
<menu type = "info" imageType = "developer" scrollTime = ".3" scrollAcceleration = ".15" orientation = "horizontal">
This could be used to synchronize animations between the elements of the menus and the animations of the system / game information. In this way we would give more consistency to the movement between the different elements of the menu. Afterwards, each one will use whatever works best for them, either <menu type = "info"... or <reloadableImage> / <reloadableImage>