RetroFE forums
General Category => Feature Requests / Suggestions => Topic started by: BritneysPAIRS on March 12, 2018, 05:02:50 AM
Some way to skin the GUI so to show a game is currently in the playlist :)
:) bump
you like to know when im on a collection that a game is in the playlist that im on or if it isn't :) simple test and make an skin element present or not if its not present
It does not yet exist, and I’d have to do a bit of programming to prevent that feature from having performance impact, but it’s not highly complicated to add.
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Cheers where the sources...and what is a list of todos at present
Cheers where the sources...and what is a list of todos at present
The sources link should be on the download page. There's an issue tracker list on bitbucket as well.
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