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General Layout Information

Layouts define the look and feel for your frontend. Each layout is a folder containing at least the following two main files.

Directory Structure

Path Description
/layouts/<layout name>/ Folder to store all image files for a particular asset. i.e. <layout name> = “Default 16×9“
/layouts/<layout name>/splash.xml Splash screen to show at startup
/layouts/<layout name>/layout.xml Main layout file to show when frontend is loaded

An example of a layout An example of a layout.xml

The global settings.conf file contains the default layout used by RetroFE. It is however possible to give a collection a completely different layout by adding the layout.xml and layout artwork to the /layouts/<layout name>/collections/<collection name>/layout/ directory. A splash.xml is not required/used for a collection's layout. This way you can give each collection a completely different look and feel.

RetroFE will first search for a layout XML file that matches the screen ratio, so e.g. layout 16×9.xml or layout 4×3.xml. If that file is not found, it will default to layout.xml.

When entering a collection, RetroFE will check the /layouts/<layout name>/collections/<collection name>/layout/ directory for the same layout XML files. If found, it will load that new layout, allowing you to set a different layout for each collection.

General Layout Structure

A layout generally consists of the following structure:


<layout> Parameters

The <layout> tag can use the following parameters:

width The virtual width to use for this layout. This will be scaled automatically by the frontend if the screen resolution is different.
heightThe virtual height to use for this layout. This will be scaled automatically by the frontend if the screen resolution is different.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. Lower font sizes is more blurred, Higher font sizes are a little more pixelated. It is best to set this to the same value as fontSize most used in the layout.
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
minShowTimeMinimum amount of time (in seconds) to show the current layout (only applicable in splash.xml).


<layout width="1920" height="1080" font="Roboto-Bold.ttf" loadFontSize="64" fontColor="dedede">

<sound> Parameters

The <sound> tag can use the following parameters:

<sound>tag parameters

Tag Description
typetriggers on the following events: "load" (page load), "unload" (page exit), "highlight" (scroll), "select" (entering game/sub-menu).
srcLocation of the sound file (relative to the layout folder).


<sound type="load" src="load.wav"/>

The <menu> tag is used to define a menu structure, and uses the following structure:


The <menu> tag supports the following parameters:

<menu> tag parameters
type The type of menu to display. Set to custom to specify all the points on the screen. Set to vertical to have a vertical scrolling list prebuilt for the layout
videoType If specified, uses a videoto be displayed for each menu item (if it exists). Text will be used if the video as well as an image as specified under imageType could not be found.
imageType If specified, uses an image to be displayed for each menu item (if it exists). Text will be used if the image could not be found.
orientation Set to “horizontal” to use the Left/Right controls to scroll. set to “vertical” to use Up/Down.
scrollTime The amount of time (in seconds) it takes for an item to scroll to the next point on the menu (i.e 0.750 = 750 milliseconds)
scrollAcceleration The acceleration rate to scroll by when holding down the up/down/left/right scroll key
minScrollTime The minimum amount of time (in seconds) it takes for an item to scroll to the next point in the menu that scrollAcceleration can reduce it to.
menuIndex The index at which the menu should be inserted in the menu hierarchy. If omitted, the menu will be inserted at the next index. This also allows multiple menus to be inserted at the same index, displaying multiple menus at the same time.

The <itemDefaults> tag supports the following parameters:

<menu> <itemDefaults> tag parameters
spacing Used when the menu type is set to vertical. Defines the spacing in pixels for all edges of a menu item.
index Used when the menu type is set to vertical. Specify a options for a particular menu item when in list mode (first=first visible item, last=last visible item, start=first - 1, end - last + 1)
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSizeThe size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.
volume Audio volume of the video: 0 = mute, 1=100% volume

The <item> tag supports the following parameters:

<menu> <item> tag parameters
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.
volume Audio volume of the video: 0 = mute, 1=100% volume

For more information, see this example

<video> Parameters

The <video> tag supports the following parameter:

<image> tag parameters
src The location of the video to display (relative to the location of the active layout folder)
volume Audio volume of the video: 0 = mute, 1=100% volume


<video src="intro.avi" volume="0.5" x="0" y="0" height="stretch" width="stretch" layer="0"/>

<image> Parameters

The <image> tag supports the following parameter:

<image> tag parameters
src The location of the image to display (relative to the location of the active layout folder)


<image src="bg.png" x="0" y="0" height="stretch" width="stretch" layer="0"/>

<text> Parameters

The <text> tag supports the following parameters:

<text> tag parameters
value The text message to display
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.


<text value="Year:" x="300" y="850" xOrigin="right" yOrigin="top" fontSize="48" layer="7"/>

<reloadableVideo> and <reloadableAudio> Parameters

The <reloadableVideo> and <reloadableAudio> tag can be used to display a video or audio of the selected item, and supports the following parameters:

<reloadableVideo> and <reloadableAudio> tag parameters
type The type of video to display: “numberButtons”, “numberPlayers”, “ctrlType”, “numberJoyWays”, “rating”, “score”, “year”, “title”, “developer”, “manufacturer”, “genre”, “playlist”, “collectionName”, “collectionSize”, “collectionIndex”, “collectionIndexSize”, or any type you pick where the title will be used as the name of the file.
imageType The type of image to display if a video cannot be found: “numberButtons”, “numberPlayers”, “year”, “title”, “manufacturer”, “genre”.
mode See mode attribute for more details.
textFallback Set to true to have text displayed of a the item title if an image cannot be loaded.
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.
backgroundColor Fill the component with a background color.
backgroundAlpha Background color transparency: 0 = 0% visible, 0.5=50% visible, 1=100% visible
volume Audio volume of the video: 0 = mute, 1=100% volume
jukebox yes = enable jukebox mode. This will disable the attract mode for this layout, and in stead start scrolling after this video/audio is done playing. Default is no.
jukeboxNumLoops Number of loops to play the jukebox element before the jukebox mode is activated. Default is 1.


<reloadableVideo imageType="screenshot" x="400" y="300" xOrigin="center" yOrigin="center" height="480" maxWidth="640" layer="3"/>

<reloadableImage> Parameters

The <reloadableImage> tag can be used to display an image of the selected item, and supports the following parameters:

<reloadableImage> tag parameters
type The type of image to display: “numberButtons”, “numberPlayers”, “ctrlType”, “numberJoyWays”, “rating”, “score”, “year”, “title”, “developer”, “manufacturer”, “genre”, “playlist”, “collectionName”, “collectionSize”, “collectionIndex”, “collectionIndexSize”, or any type you pick where the title will be used as the name of the file.
mode See mode attribute for more details
textFallback Set to true to have text displayed of a the item title if an image cannot be loaded
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.


<reloadableImage type="logo" mode="system" x="1350" y="50" xOrigin="center" yOrigin="top" height="250" maxWidth="1100" layer="7"/>

<reloadableText> Parameters

The <reloadableText> tag can be used to display textual information about the selected item, and supports the following parameters:

<reloadableText> tag parameters
type The type of text to display: “time”, “numberButtons”, “numberPlayers”, “ctrlType”, “numberJoyWays”, “rating”, “score”, “year”, “title”, “developer”, “manufacturer”, “genre”, “playlist”, “collectionName”, “collectionSize”, “collectionIndex”, or “collectionIndexSize”.
mode See mode attribute for more details
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.


<reloadableText type="year" x="310" y="850" xOrigin="left" yOrigin="top" fontSize="48" maxWidth="300" layer="7"/>

The type=“time” allows for an additional parameter: timeFormat, which follows the C++ strftime abilities.

<reloadableScrollingText> Parameters

The <reloadableScrollingText> tag can be used to display textual information about the selected item, loaded from a text file, and supports the following parameters:

<reloadableText> tag parameters
type The type of text file to load. Files are generally placed as <collection name>/medium_artwork/<type>/<game name>.txt or <collection name>/system_artwork/<type>.txt. In addition, the following meta fields are supported: “numberButtons”, “numberPlayers”, “ctrlType”, “numberJoyWays”, “rating”, “score”, “year”, “title”, “developer”, “manufacturer”, “genre”, “playlist”, “collectionName”, “collectionSize”, “collectionIndex”, or “collectionIndexSize”.
mode See mode attribute for more details.
font Location of the font (relative to the layout folder).
fontColor Default RGB color of the font (in hex, i.e. “6699AA”).
fontSize Default font size of to display if not specified by a component.
loadFontSize The size (quality) of the font to load. For the best results, use the same value as fontsize.
direction The direction in which the text should scroll: horizontal, vertical.
scrollingSpeed The speed at which the text should scroll in pixels per second.
startPosition The x/y offset of the start position of the text.
startTime The delay before the text starts scrolling.
endTime The delay between the finish of the scroll, and restarting the display of the text.
alignment The text alignment for vertical scrolls: left, right, centered, justified.

The text will scroll across the screen until it is no longer visible. Then it will be reset. For a vertical scroll: if the startPosition is 0, and the text fits within the defined size, the text will not scroll.


<reloadableScrollingText type="story" alpha="0" x="145" y="355" xOrigin="left" yOrigin="top" width="940" height="215" font="MC360.ttf" fontSize="35" fontColor="f2f2f2" direction="vertical" alignment="justified" scrollingSpeed="15" startPosition="0" startTime="4" endTime="1" alpha="1" layer="7"/> 

General Parameters

The other tags all support a general set of parameters:

Tag Description
x X coordinate of where to place the component
y Y coordinate of where to place the component
xOffset Relative X offset of how many pixels to shift the object from x (x + xOffset)
yOffset Relative Y offset of how many pixels to shift the object from y (y + yOffset)
xOrigin X offset on image to use as the pin point for placement. Supports the special settings “left”, “center”, and “right”.
yOrigin Y offset on image to use as the pin point for placement. Supports the special settings “top”, “center”, and “bottom”.
alpha 0 = 0% visible, 0.5=50% visible, 1=100% visible
angle Angle to rotate image, in degrees
width Width of the component. Image will be scaled appropriately if not specified. Supports the special settings “stretch”.
height Height of the component. Image will be scaled appropriately if not specified. Supports the special settings “stretch”.
minWidth Minimum width to allow the image to be (if scaling is needed)
minHeight Minimum height to allow the image to be (if scaling is needed)
maxWidth Maximum width to allow the image to be (if scaling is needed)
maxHeight Maximum height to allow the image to be (if scaling is needed)
backgroundColor Fill the component with a background color
backgroundAlpha Background color transparency: 0 = 0% visible, 0.5=50% visible, 1=100% visible
reflection Location of the reflection compared to the original image: top, bottom, left, right. Can be combined to show multiple reflections, e.g. topleft, leftright, topbottomright.
reflectionDistance Distance between the reflection and the original image in pixels.
reflectionScale Scale in vertical (reflection top/bottom) or horizontal (reflection left/right) direction of the reflection compared to the original image.
reflectionAlpha Transparency of the reflection compared to the original image: 0 = 0% visible, 0.5=50% visible, 1=100% visible
containerXX coordinate of the cropping container.
containerYY coordinate of the cropping container.
containerWidthWidth of the cropping container.
containerHeightHeight of the cropping container.
layerLayer on which the item should be displayed: 0 = back, 19 = front
monitorMonitor number on which the element should be displayed, starting from monitor 0.
menuScrollReloadReload the art while the menu is scrolling when set to yes/true

RetroFE supports 20 layers of images (0-19) to allow items to overlap in a controlled fashion.

Usage of the x/y/xOffset/yOffset/xOrigin/yOrigin parameters:

Usage of the xOffset/yOffset parameters is generally reserved for when you use values like “top|bottom|left|right|center” for x and/or y, e.g. x=“center” xOffset=“10” will place the object 10 pixels right of the center.

All these paremeters can also be used in animations to create an even more beautiful layout experience. These animations use the following syntax:

<action type>
  <set duration="<time in seconds>"
    <animate type="<animation parameter>" from="<from setting>" to="<to setting>" algorithm="<algorithm_setting>"/>

It is possible to put multiple animates in the same set; these animations will happen at the same time. It is possible to put multiple sets in the same action type: these animations will happen in sequence. It is possible to omit the from attribute; this will animate from the current value. It is possible to use type=“nop” (no operation), without any other attributes (<animate type=“nop”/>. This can e.g. be used to delay an animation by preceding it with a set containing just a “nop” animation.

RetroFE supports the following action types:

action types
onEnter Action happens on entering RetroFE.
onExit Action happens on exiting RetroFE.
onIdle Action happens continuously while no other animations are active for that object.
onMenuIdle Action happens continuously while the menu isn't scrolling and no other animations are active for that object.
onMenuScroll Action happens when the menu starts scrolling.
onHighlightEnter Action happens when the item is being selected.
onHighlightExit Action happens when item is no longer selected.
onMenuEnter Action happens on entering a menu.
onMenuExit Action happens on exiting a menu.
onGameEnter Action happens on starting a game.
onGameExit Action happens on quitting a game.
onPlaylistEnter Action happens on entering a playlist.
onPlaylistExit Action happens on exiting a playlist.
onMenuJumpEnter Action happens on entering a jump in the menu (next/previous letter/page, random).
onMenuJumpExit Action happens on exiting a jump in the menu (next/previous letter/page, random).
onAttractEnter Action happens on entering attract mode.
onAttract Action happens continuously while in attract mode.
onAttractExit Action happens on exiting attract mode.

The action type can be combined with a menuIndex attribute. This will force RetroFE to only activate the animation for the specified menu index, with 0 being the main menu. Some examples:

menuIndex Activated on
menuIndex=“0” Activate the animation on the main menu.
menuIndex=“1” Activate the animation on first submenu.
menuIndex=”!0” Activate the animation on every index except for the main menu.
menuIndex=“>1” Activate the animation on menu index 2, 3, 4, …
menuIndex=“<2” Activate the animation on menu index 0 and 1.
menuIndex=“i” Activate the animation when the index of the menu corresponds with the current menu index. This can only be used for animations for menu items.

RetroFE supports the following algorithms:

action algorithms
easeInquadratic easeOutquadratic easeInoutquadratic easeIncubic easeOutcubic
easeInoutcubic easeInquartic easeOutquartic easeInoutquartic easeInquintic
easeOutquintic easeInoutquintic easeInsine easeOutsine easeInoutsine
easeInexponential easeOutexponential easeInoutexponential easeIncircular easeOutcircular
easeInoutcircular linear


<image src="bg.png" x="0" y="0" height="stretch" width="stretch" layer="0">
    <set duration="2">
      <animate type="alpha" from="1" to="0.2" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
    <set duration="1">
      <animate type="alpha" from="0.2" to="1" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>

Mode Attribute

Several parameters allow for a mode attribute: system, common, layout, systemlayout, and commonlayout. This attribute can be omitted. This attribute has the following effects:

Mode system and systemlayout use the information from the collection you're in rather than the selected item.

Mode layout, systemlayout, and commonlayout use the art in the layouts/<layout name>/collections/<collection name>/ directory rather than collections/<collection name>/ directory.

Mode common and commonlayout use the art in the collections/_common/medium_artwork directory rather than the collections/<collection name>/medium_artwork directory.

The item path also depends on whether the selected item is a collection or a game; it will select the first found file.


You're in the Main collection, have the SNES collection selected, and are displaying a reloadableImage of type “logo”:

  No mode used:
  Mode layout:
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/Main/medium_artwork/logo/SNES.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/system_artwork/logo.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/Main/medium_artwork/logo/default.png
  Mode system (not very useful in the main menu):
  Mode systemlayout (not very useful in the main menu):
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/Main/medium_artwork/logo/Main.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/Main/system_artwork/logo.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/Main/system_artwork/default.png
  Mode common (not very useful for type logo):
  Mode commonlayout (not very useful for type logo):
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/_common/medium_artwork/logo/SNES.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/_common/medium_artwork/logo/default.png


You're in the SNES collection, have the 1942 game selected, and are displaying a reloadableImage of type “logo”:

  No mode used:
  Mode layout:
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/medium_artwork/logo/1942.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/medium_artwork/logo/default.png
  Mode system:
  Mode systemlayout:
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/system_artwork/logo.png
  Mode common (not very useful for type logo):
  Mode commonlayout (not very useful for type logo):
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/_common/medium_artwork/logo/1942.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/_common/medium_artwork/logo/default.png


You're in the SNES collection by Nintendo, have the 1942 game by Capcom selected, and are displaying a reloadableImage of type “manufacturer”:

  No mode used:
  Mode layout:
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/medium_artwork/manufacturer/Capcom.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/medium_artwork/manufacturer/default.png
  Mode system:
  Mode systemlayout:
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/SNES/system_artwork/Nintendo.png
  Mode common:
  Mode commonlayout:
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/_common/medium_artwork/manufacturer/Capcom.png
      layouts/<layout name>/collections/_common/medium_artwork/manufacturer/default.png
layouts.1605646737.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/17 20:58 by phulshof