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Global settings.conf

The global settings.conf file, located in your RetroFE directory, defines how your overall system operates. See below for a list of configuration parameters that can be specified for your global settings.conf.

Variable Allowed values Description
numScreens 1+ Defines the number of monitors used. Defaults to 1.
fullscreen yes, true, no, false Run the front-end in fullscreen
horizontal stretch, #pixels Screen pixel width (i.e. 1920)
vertical stretch, #pixels Screen pixel height (i.e. 1080)
fullscreenx yes, true, no, false Run the front-end in fullscreen on monitor x, e.g. fullscreen0 = no. Monitor numbers start at 0!
horizontalx stretch, #pixels Screen pixel width (i.e. 1920) for monitor x, e.g. horizontal0 = 1920. Monitor numbers start at 0!
verticalx stretch, #pixels Screen pixel height (i.e. 1080) for monitor x, e.g. vertical0 = 1080. Monitor numbers start at 0!
layout a folder name in /layouts The layout/theme to use for RetroFE (i.e. Aeon Nox)
fps frames per second (positive) Requested FPS while not in the idle state. Defaults to 60.
fpsIdle frames per second (positive) Requested FPS while in the idle state. Defaults to 60.
hideMouse yes, true, no, false Hide the mouse cursor on the screen when the FE is active
showParenthesis yes, true, no, false Hide item/ROM information between ()
showSquareBrackets yes, true, no, false Hide item/ROM information between []
firstCollection a folder name in /collections Specify the name of the first collection to load on start (i.e. Main)
videoEnable yes, true, no, false Enable video display
videoLoop #loops Number of times to loop video playback (enter 0 to continuously loop)
exitOnFirstPageBack yes, true, no, false Exit the frontend when the back button is pressed on the first page
attractModeCyclePlaylist yes, true, no, false Select between cycling through the full set of playlists or the ones defined in the cyclePlaylist
attractModeTime time (in seconds) Enter 0 to disable attract mode, otherwise enter the number of seconds to wait before the menu scrolls to another random point
attractModeNextTime time (in seconds) Enter the number of seconds before the menu scrolls to another random point while already in attract mode
attractModePlaylistTime time (in seconds) Enter the number of seconds before the menu switches to the next playlist. Enter 0 to disable (default).
attractModeSkipPlaylist playlist name Skip this playlist while switching playlist in attract mode.
attractModeCollectionTime time (in seconds) Enter the number of seconds before the menu switches to the next collection. Enter 0 to disable (default).
attractModeSkipCollection playlist name Skip this collection while switching collections in attract mode.
rememberMenu yes, true, no, false Remember the last highlighted menu item if re-entering a menu
firstPlaylist playlist name Automatically switch to this playlist if it is available, often set to favorites. Replaces the autoFavorites parameter.
lastplayedSize size (natural) Size of the automatically generated lastplayed playlist. A size of 0 disabled this feature.
lastPlayedSkipCollection collection name Name of the collection not included in the lastplayed playlist. Generally used to exclude items from a settings collection.
cyclePlaylist playlist set Comma separated set of playlists that the playlist cycle keys cycle through.
minimize_on_focus_loss yes, true, no, false Overwrite system SDL default for SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS to force RetroFE to (not) minimize when the focus on the full-screen window is lost.
collectionInputClear yes, true, no, false Clear the input queue when entering/exiting a collection
playlistInputClear yes, true, no, false Clear the input queue when changing playlist
jumpInputClear yes, true, no, false Clear the input queue when jumping through the menu
enterOnCollection yes, true, no, false Enter the collection when using collectionUp/Down controls
startCollectionEnter yes, true, no, false Enter the first collection RetroFE boot
baseMediaPath i.e.(d:/media) Override if you choose to have your media stored outside of RetroFE. Can be used by your Collection Settings.conf.
baseItemPath i.e.(d:/roms) Override if you choose to have your roms stored outside of RetroFE. Can be used by your Collection Settings.conf.
unloadSDL yes, true, no, false Close SDL when starting a game. This is needed for some systems like RetroPie to prevent the emulator from being launched behind the front-end.
overwriteXML yes, true, no, false Allow information files (collections/<collection name>/info/<item name>.conf) to overwrite information from meta.db
subsSplit yes, true, no, false Split merged collections based on .sub files per .sub file (yes/true) or sort them as one list (no/false)
cfwLetterSub yes, true, no, false If subs exist in a collection, jump those subs by sub in stead of by letter (CoinOPS feature)
prevLetterSubToCurrent yes, true, no, false When using previous letter control, it will jump to the start of the current letter in stead of the start of the previous one
lastPlayedSkipCollection collection name Do not include items from this collection in the lastplayed playlist

In order to make scripted reconfiguration easier, RetroFE supports the filenames settings1.conf, settings2.conf, …, settings9.conf as well.

global_settings.conf.1618135791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/11 10:09 by phulshof