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getting_started [2017/05/18 09:18]
getting_started [2017/05/25 06:04] (current)
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 |RetroFE.lnk|Windows link to core / retrofe.exe| ​     ​ |RetroFE.lnk|Windows link to core / retrofe.exe| ​     ​
 |[[global_settings.conf|settings.conf]]|Global frontend settings %%(display options, layout to use, base paths, etc)%%| ​     |[[global_settings.conf|settings.conf]]|Global frontend settings %%(display options, layout to use, base paths, etc)%%| ​    
-|%%/[[collections|collections]]/%%|Game lists, menus, artwork and ROMs|+|%%/​collections/​%%|Game lists, menus, artwork and ROMs|
 |%%/​core/​%%|Windows specific libraries needed for retrofe to run %%(also includes retrofe.exe)%%| |%%/​core/​%%|Windows specific libraries needed for retrofe to run %%(also includes retrofe.exe)%%|
-|%%/[[launchers|launchers]]/​%%|Configuration files for launchers (emulators)| +|%%/​launchers/​%%|Configuration files for launchers (emulators)| 
-|%%/[[layouts|layouts]]/%%|Layouts / themes to use or display for the frontend|+|%%/​layouts/​%%|Layouts / themes to use or display for the frontend|
 |%%/​meta/​%%|Files to import into meta.db (for scraping)| |%%/​meta/​%%|Files to import into meta.db (for scraping)|
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-(Note for linux users: Since Linux comes in many shapes and sizes, RetroFE users need to compile and install their own RetroFE setup using bitbucket. The instructions for this can be found here.)+(Note for linux users: Since Linux comes in many shapes and sizes, RetroFE users need to compile and install their own RetroFE setup using bitbucket. The instructions for this can be found [[https://​​phulshof/​retrofe/​overview|here]].)
 After copying the RetroFE system to the directory of your choice, you're set to give your installation a first test by running the retrofe executable in that directory. RetroFE comes with a pre-installed Sega Genesis system with one game so you can check if the installation went according to plan. After copying the RetroFE system to the directory of your choice, you're set to give your installation a first test by running the retrofe executable in that directory. RetroFE comes with a pre-installed Sega Genesis system with one game so you can check if the installation went according to plan.
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-The first configuration step is editing the RetroFE system configuration file RetroFE/​settings.conf. In here you configure the screen settings, global theme, base paths, etc.+The first configuration step is editing the RetroFE system configuration file RetroFE/[[global_settings.conf|settings.conf]]. In here you configure the screen settings, global theme, base paths, etc.
-The second configuration step is editing the RetroFE controls file RetroFE/​controls.conf. In here you configure the keys used to control the RetroFE front-end. Note that the default select key is space, and not enter as some people expected.+The second configuration step is editing the RetroFE controls file RetroFE/[[controls|controls.conf]]. In here you configure the keys used to control the RetroFE front-end. Note that the default select key is space, and not enter as some people expected.
 \\ \\
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-RetroFE starts with two (almost empty) collections,​ but more can be added easily. As an example, let's set up the Nintendo Entertainment System collection. First, enter the RetroFE/​collections directory, and create an empty collection using the following command: ../retrofe -createcollection "​Nintendo Entertainment System"​+RetroFE starts with two (almost empty) ​[[collections|collections]], but more can be added easily. As an example, let's set up the Nintendo Entertainment System collection. First, enter the RetroFE/​collections directory, and create an empty collection using the following command: ../retrofe -createcollection "​Nintendo Entertainment System"​
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 As an example: if RetroFE starts the game Willow (USA).nes, this launcher will execute the command: As an example: if RetroFE starts the game Willow (USA).nes, this launcher will execute the command:
-  mame nes -cart "RetroFE/collections/​Nintendo Entertainment System/​roms/​Willow (USA).nes"​.+  mame nes -cart "​collections/​Nintendo Entertainment System/​roms/​Willow (USA).nes"​.
getting_started.1495099108.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/18 09:18 by phulshof