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collections [2020/03/18 11:50]
phulshof [Directory Structure of a collection]
collections [2022/10/25 05:58] (current)
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 RetroFE supports playlists, a sort of sub collection within a collection. You can step through them using the previous/​next playlist keys defined in your [[controls|controls.conf]] file. You can use this feature to e.g. show a list of all games from a certain manufacturer or a certain genre. RetroFE supports playlists, a sort of sub collection within a collection. You can step through them using the previous/​next playlist keys defined in your [[controls|controls.conf]] file. You can use this feature to e.g. show a list of all games from a certain manufacturer or a certain genre.
-Playlists are defined via txt files in the playlists directory of your collection, and like include.txt files simply contain a list of the games you want in that playlist. If a game is pulled from another collection via a sub/merged collection (.sub file), use _<​collection name>:<​game name>.+Playlists are defined via txt files in the playlists directory of your collection, and like include.txt files simply contain a list of the games you want in that playlist. If a game is pulled from another collection via a sub/merged collection (.sub file), use _<​collection name>:<​game name>. The asterisk (*) can be used in stead of the game name to include an entire collection.
 Example: playlists/​example.txt Example: playlists/​example.txt
-  _Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super Mario World +  _Super Nintendo Entertainment System:​Super Mario World 
-  _Nintendo Entertainment System: Super Mario Bros+  _Nintendo Entertainment System:​Super Mario Bros
   Super Turrican   Super Turrican
 This defines a playlist called example, containing the Super Mario World game from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System collection, Super Mario Bros from the Nintendo Entertainment System collection, and Super Turrican from this collection (available in the roms section and/or defined via the include.txt file). This defines a playlist called example, containing the Super Mario World game from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System collection, Super Mario Bros from the Nintendo Entertainment System collection, and Super Turrican from this collection (available in the roms section and/or defined via the include.txt file).
 A special type of playlist is the favorites playlist (playlists/​favorites.txt). Games can be added/​removed from this playlist directly from RetroFE using the addPlaylist and removePlaylist controls, and a separate key favPlaylist allows you to switch between the favorites list and the full game list. You can even use the autoFavorites = yes parameter setting in your [[global_settings.conf|global settings.conf]] file to automatically switch to your favorite games when you enter a collection. A special type of playlist is the favorites playlist (playlists/​favorites.txt). Games can be added/​removed from this playlist directly from RetroFE using the addPlaylist and removePlaylist controls, and a separate key favPlaylist allows you to switch between the favorites list and the full game list. You can even use the autoFavorites = yes parameter setting in your [[global_settings.conf|global settings.conf]] file to automatically switch to your favorite games when you enter a collection.
collections.1584532251.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/18 11:50 by phulshof