I don't know if this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong but here is my issue.
I'm trying to launch a steam game within a steam collection. My launcher script is looking like this:
executable = C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
arguments = /c "%ITEM_FILEPATH%"
The game launches fine but the media video still runs in the background so sound can be heard even after launching the game. I suppse RetroFe isn't stopping video playback.
In collection settings I've set my roms to have a .bat extension and the .bat file in roms folder is looking like following:
@echo off
start C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Steam\steamapps\common\Odallus\DATA\Odallus.exe
Here is the relevant log:
[2017-02-08 21:56:54] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "C:\arcade\RetroFE\collections\Steam\menu.txt"
[2017-02-08 21:56:59] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "C:\arcade\RetroFE\collections\Steam\roms\Odallus - The Dark Call.bat" exists [Yes]
[2017-02-08 21:56:59] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c "C:\arcade\RetroFE\collections\Steam\roms\Odallus - The Dark Call.bat"
[2017-02-08 21:56:59] [INFO] [Launcher] from within folder: C:\Windows\System32
[2017-02-08 21:56:59] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2017-02-08 21:57:15] [INFO] [SDL] DeInitializing
[2017-02-08 21:57:15] [INFO] [RetroFE] Exiting
This only happens while running Steam bat files, every other collection works fine and the media video stops playing (no sound heard) after launching the game.