Hello my friends,
Sorry for the latter reply, i was really busy,
and thank to Floyd for your comment, in the past my frontend was Hyperspin, but because i met everytime a new bug i leave it completely.
so, unfortunatelly, i never succeeded with any recomandation ....
i tried what you told me PinealServo,
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned (on the 2 version of PowerShell i have, but game won't launch and retroFe logs dosen't help much more.
So, i had the idea to create an ahk script :
the idea is quite simple but even there, i didn't succeed to make it work. (i have not enough knowledge to make it work), i passed lot of time to read on autohotkey forum or on the internet and made a lot of tests....
the script must kill a cmd.exe process (or close it) when the escape key is pressed (and permit the exit of the game).
one example of ahk that i tried :
#SingleInstance, Force
;launch the game : you need to know the ahk_class : run AU3_Spy.exe to know it
Run, StreetFighter 4 Arcade Edition Export.bat
;if windows ahk class is no more existing, --> apply the following instructions:
IfWinNotExist, StreetFighter 4 Arcade Edition Export
;stop (exit) one instance of cmd.exe; take care if there are other instance, only one instance will close.
Process, Close, cmd.exe
;exit the script --> avoid to keep it runing on background
you must understand that this is one of my test, of course i tried with for example :
Esc::Process, Close, cmd.exe

but in this case, the cmd is closed immediately,
often it is like because the game is in fulscreen, the command within the ahk are not executed..........
i tried lot of code with IfWinActive, IfWinExist etc.......... no succes!
is there any expert with ahk somewhere here?

the best ahk would be an ahk script that only kill the correct cmd (or at least a cmd process on the exit of the target game exe).
see you