Hello, I'm Jestyn and I'm new here. Just wondering if there's anyone here who owns a "Atgames Legends Ultimate " that runs Awesome Sauce? (also called One Sauce) and also willing to share a mapping files with me? (.rmp) I tried remapping the games in retroarch but the b1, b2 confuses me.
For those who don't know, Atgames Legends Ultimate is a arcade machine released by Atgames obviously. See video here for details:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zgol92_edqo&pp=ygUYYXRnYW1lcyBsZWdlbmRzIHVsdGltYXRlAnd Awesome Sauce is RetroFE based distro frontend that you can install and run on this machine:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzMyVkrJ9q4&pp=ygUNYXdlc29tZSBzYXVjZQ%3D%3DHere's the link for the full pack, if you want to know about the built:
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However, this I only want the Core or basic pack since I don't really want other consoles on my machine in order to have a authentic Arcade feel to it:
Edit: =link removed=