General Category > Feature Requests / Suggestions

Reference info.conf from collection


Hi, is it possible to add a feature where you can reference info.conf files from the collection you're referencing a rom from (.sub)? For example, I have standard collections for Sega master system, super Nintendo, etc., and then have custom collections (all shooters, all racing, etc.) that use .sub files to reference roms from the base collections. When using sub files you can reference other collections and it will use media from the referenced collection. but, you still need to add info.conf files to the custom collection, which causes a doubling up of files. It's not a big issue, just nice to have. Huge fan of Retrofe so thanks for all your hard work :) I've attached an image of what my custom collection looks like. just a few sub files, a playlist folder, and the info folder containing all the info.conf files for the referenced games.


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