Author Topic: How To Pause Retrofe During Emulator Launch  (Read 2188 times)


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How To Pause Retrofe During Emulator Launch
« on: February 20, 2022, 06:17:57 AM »
How can I get retrofe to "stop/pause" playing attract mode videos/audios when I launch a game? What's happening is that I have a theme that as you cycle through games it shows videos (with audio) of the game but when I select and start a game although the game starts the issue is that retrofe seems to continue to run in the background so I can hear the "attract" mode videos/audio playing along with the actual game being played. Any way to "pause" retrofe while a game is being played?

Pieter Hulshoff

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Re: How To Pause Retrofe During Emulator Launch
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2022, 10:46:49 AM »
This needs to be fixed in your launcher, though I'm not sure how this is done under Windows exactly. RetroFE waits for the emulator to finish, but some Windows emulators immediately return control to RetroFE, which causes your issues.


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Re: How To Pause Retrofe During Emulator Launch
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2022, 02:46:40 PM »
OK I was able to create a .bat file that waits to give control back to retrofe until the game is exited and made that .bat file the executable in the retrofe launcher BUT now I have a different problem. I was using the variable %ITEM_NAME% (game selected) in the launcher to tell the emulator what specific game was selected & launch that one but I can't seem to get the .bat file to use %ITEM_NAME"?   

This is my new launcher file:

executable = %RETROFE_PATJH%\emulators\Zaccaria PInball\start.bat
arguments = %ITEM_NAME"

And this is the line in start.bat that needs to know what game was selected but isn't working...

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 -skipmenu "%ITEM_NAME%"


Is there a way to add this directly to the retrofe launcher and avoid needing to use the .bat file?

REM --Run Program
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 -skipmenu "%ITEM_NAME%" -skipmenu_player 1 -skipmenu_gamemode classic_simulation

timeout 20

tasklist | find /i "ZaccariaPinball.exe">nul && goto:wait || goto:leave

timeout 2

echo this is where we exit

« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 03:42:24 PM by netsurfr »


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Re: How To Pause Retrofe During Emulator Launch
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2022, 05:35:04 PM »
SOLVED! - Figured this out by creating a .bat file with all that was needed to avoid the emulator releasing control back to retrofe and changing the launcher to point to the .bat file as well as send %ITEM_NAME% to the .bat file so it could launch the selected game/table to the script inside the .bat file so all is working as it should now!