I figured I'd post the question here; perhaps any of you have an answer. I've noticed some strange behaviour with SDL vs my CPU. This behaviour is manifested in RetroFE as well as when I run MAME with a simple game like Pacman without throttling (so maximum speed). For some strange reason, the intel powersave kicks in, and the CPU is scaled down to 800 MHz. This doesn't happen when I run Pacman at 100% speed or when I run a demanding game like Radiant Silvergun. I've tried everything I could find online, but no luck so far. Considering the behaviour with Radiant Silvergun, I doubt it's a heat problem. The CPU has no trouble running at 2400-2500 MHz for long times during that game.
I think this downscaling is causing video decoding problems for me as well; my CPU can't keep up on rare occasions. When I reduce the FPS for RetroFE from a maximum of 60 to 30 or even 24, this problem disappears, and my CPU is happily running at 2000-2500 MHz. Any thoughts?