Hi there!
It has been several years since I have touched my retrofe config.
In the meantime, my pc has been reinstalled once.
Since then, my sub collections no longer launch games .. any idea?
My retrofe/collection/main.txt :
Sammy Atomiswave
Taito type X
Sega Genesis
Nintendo Entertainment System
Example: the sub NEO_GEO won't launch the games.
inside collection/NEO_GEO/settings.conf :
# Uncomment and edit the following line to use a different ROM path.
list.includeMissingItems = false
list.extensions = zip
list.menuSort = yes
launcher = MAME
#metadata.type = MAME
#media.screenshot = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\screenshot
#media.screentitle = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\screentitle
#media.artwork_back = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\artwork_back
#media.artwork_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\artwork_front
#media.logo = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\logo
#media.medium_back = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\medium_back
#media.medium_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\medium_front
#media.screenshot = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\screenshot
#media.screentitle = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\screentitle
#media.video = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\medium_artwork\video
#media.system_artwork = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\system_artwork
But in my collection/MAME_0220/settings.conf :
# The location of where your ROM items exist. Examples:
list.path = G:\Download\MAME_BRUCE\roms
#list.path = ..F:\JEUX\ROMS_MAME_0193 (relative path to root of FE dir)
# If BASE_ITEM_PATH=D:/ROMs and the name of this collection is named "Arcade"
# then the configuration below will search in D:/ROMs/Arcade
# If a game is specified in include.txt then it will be included in the list
# regardless of if the rom actually exists or not. Set this variable to false
# to exclude any items that cannot be found.
list.includeMissingItems = false
# Extensions are comma separated without spaces
list.extensions = zip
# If a menu.xml file exists, it will display the menu alphabetically. To
# not auto-sort the menu items alphabetically, set the following to false.
# This does not apply to how your ROMs are sorted.
list.menuSort = true
# The executable to run when an item in a collection item is selected
# On default, MAME roms are not clearly named. We need to use the MAME
# metadata for them.
metadata.type = %ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%
# Default media paths to scan for artwork. Uncomment and edit to override
# the default values.
# media.screenshot = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
# media.artwork_back = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_back
# media.artwork_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_front
# media.logo = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/logo
# media.medium_back = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_back
# media.medium_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_front
# media.screenshot = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
# media.video = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/video
media.logo = G:\Media\MAME\Images\Wheel
media.logo = G:\Media\MAME\Images\Wheel
media.video = G:\Media\MAME\Video
media.artwork_front = G:\Media\MAME\Images\arcade flyers
Games are well listed in my /collections/NEO_GEO/MAME.sub and they show up correctly in the frontend.
When i click on the game, they won't launch.
games only start from the MAME_0220 collection list.
I also tried to change launcher =MAME with launcher = %ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME% .... in the NEO_GEO collections/settings.conf file.

what 's happening ? it worked like that before......
i attached the log file where i can see the following message :
[2021-09-26 23:56:01] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to find launcher executable (launcher: MAME executable: )
but i don't understand ....
within the /retrofe/launcher/MAME_0220 :
executable = F:\Emulators\MAME_0220\arcade64.exe
arguments = "%ITEM_NAME%"
thank you.