I have added the 2nd monitor to the Attract Mode dim but it doesn't want to work?
Can Someone take a look and give some pointers?
Thanks Heaps
<image src="images/attract.png" alpha="0" height="1920" width="1920" layer="19">
<set duration="0.6">
<animate type="alpha" to="0.5"/>
</onAttract >
<set duration="0.01">
<animate type="alpha" to="0"/>
</onAttractExit >
<image src="images/attract.png" alpha="0" height="1920" width="1920" layer="19" Monitor="1">
<set duration="0.6">
<animate type="alpha" to="0.5"/>
</onAttract >
<set duration="0.01">
<animate type="alpha" to="0"/>
</onAttractExit >