I've uploaded RetroFE 0.10.20 to the download page; the source code can be found at
https://github.com/phulshof/RetroFE. This is an intermediate full release to provide you all with the latest core directory using the latest SDL and gstreamer libraries. I've been told it greatly reduces GPU usage, and should as such make things faster. I'm still in the process of rewriting the video handler, so it still contains the same memory leak it has contained since the beginning, but which becomes apparent if the theme displays a lot of videos at once. The (Windows) installation instructions have been updated accordingly.
For a full list of changes, see
I'll try to update the documentation in the upcoming weeks.
Edit: Yes, I've moved over to github. Bitbucket stopped supporting Mercurial, so I figured if I needed to move to git, I might as well move to github as well.