Author Topic: Teknoparrot Loader help  (Read 12582 times)


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Teknoparrot Loader help
« on: March 17, 2018, 11:30:44 AM »
hi all!

is anyone here be able to launche Teknoparrot (A Loader for recent Ringedge/Ringwide Namco Es3 system) from retro fe?

i gave some tries but without any success...

any help would be  appreciated.

my configuration :

launcher : ringedge.conf

Code: [Select]
executable = F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe
#executable = F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\ParrotLoader.exe  (this didn't work too)
arguments = --profile="%ITEM_FILEPATH%"

my \collection\Ringedge\settings.conf:

Code: [Select]
# The location of where your ROM items exist. Examples:
list.path = F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles
# list.path = ../ROMs/MAME                (relative path to root of FE dir)
# If BASE_ITEM_PATH=D:/ROMs and the name of this collection is named "Nintendo
# Entertainment System" then the configuration below will search in
# "D:/ROMs/Nintendo Entertainment System"

# If a game is specified in include.txt then it will be included in the list
# regardless of if the rom actually exists or not. Set this variable to false
# to exclude any items that cannot be found.
list.includeMissingItems = false

# Extensions are comma separated without spaces
list.extensions = xml,exe,lnk,ahk,bat
# If a menu.xml file exists, it will display the menu alphabetically. To
# not auto-sort the menu items alphabetically, set the following to false.
# This does not apply to how your ROMs are sorted.
list.menuSort = true

# The executable to run when an item in a collection item is selected

metadata.type = %ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%

# Default media paths to scan for artwork. Uncomment and edit to override
# the default values.
# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
# media.artwork_back  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_back
# media.artwork_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_front
# media.logo          = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/logo
# media.medium_back   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_back
# media.medium_front  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_front
# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
#         = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/video

media.logo            = ..\Media\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\Images\Wheel           = ..\Media\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%\Video

as you can see my list.path point to the game profile (not the roms exe) as recomanded by the author of the loader in the readme file.
this part is well recognized by retrofe (see the log file below)

if i try  win+r and  paste this => F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe , the loader start as expected

but in my logs file from retrofe , the logs tell me this :

Code: [Select]
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [RetroFE] Version 0.8.14 starting
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [RetroFE] OS: Windows
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [RetroFE] Absolute path: F:\RetroFE
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "F:\RetroFE\settings.conf"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "fullscreen" = "no"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "horizontal" = "stretch"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "vertical" = "stretch"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "layout" = "GLaDOS-16x9-2.0"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "hideMouse" = "yes"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showParenthesis" = "yes"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showSquareBrackets" = "yes"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "firstCollection" = "Main"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "autoFavorites" = "true"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoEnable" = "yes"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoLoop" = "45"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "exitOnFirstPageBack" = "no"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "attractModeTime" = "45"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "rememberMenu" = "yes"
[2018-03-17 12:03:47] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "F:\RetroFE\controls.conf"

because of this error on the forum :
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters).
i had to reduce this log file , sorry

[2018-03-17 12:03:48] [INFO] [Database] Opened database "F:\RetroFE\meta.db"
[2018-03-17 12:03:49] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2018-03-17 12:03:49] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\layout.xml
[2018-03-17 12:03:49] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2018-03-17 12:03:50] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2018-03-17 12:03:50] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "F:\RetroFE\collections\Main\include.txt"
[2018-03-17 12:03:50] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "F:\RetroFE\collections\Main\roms"
[2018-03-17 12:03:50] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "F:\RetroFE\collections\Main\menu.txt"
[2018-03-17 12:03:54] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\collections\Ringedge\layout\layout.xml
[2018-03-17 12:03:54] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\collections\Ringedge\layout\layout.xml
[2018-03-17 12:03:54] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "F:\RetroFE\collections\Ringedge\include.txt"
[2018-03-17 12:03:54] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles"
[2018-03-17 12:03:54] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "F:\RetroFE\collections\Ringedge\menu.txt"
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles\ID7.xml" exists  [Yes]
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe" --profile="F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles\ID7.xml"
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to run: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to launch.
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2018-03-17 12:03:58] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles\ID6.xml" exists  [Yes]
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe" --profile="F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles\ID6.xml"
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to run: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to launch.
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2018-03-17 12:04:03] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete

recommandations from the author of Teknoparrot Loader to launch it from a cmd line are :
Code: [Select]
ParrotUI: Now you can run games directly from the commandline with game running or just i/o emulation mode.
  Parameters: To select game profile, use: --profile=. Example: --profile=sr3.xml
  Parameters: To run in the test mode (if supported), use: --test
  Parameters: To run game with only I/O emulation (running parrotloader.exe yourself via script for example), use: --emuonly
  Parameters: To run game directly from command line: ParrotUi.exe --profile=sr3.xml
  Parameters: To run game directly from command line to test menu: ParrotUi.exe --profile=sr3.xml --test
  Parameters: To run game I/O emulation only (still needs TeknoParrot.dll injected): ParrotUi.exe --profile=sr3.xml --emuonly

you must know that there is an error in the readm file from the author : there isn't any ParrotUi.exe inside this folder, there is only TeknoParrotUi.exe  (i give a try with ParrotUi.exe too)

if i run  this command : win+r and paste : F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=sr3.xml    it work great.  and the game launch   :o


Pieter Hulshoff

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Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2018, 01:38:45 PM »
Try %ITEM_FILENAME% in stead of “%ITEM_FILEPATH%”?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 01:40:16 PM by Pieter Hulshoff »


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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2018, 08:01:15 AM »
Hi Pieter, thank for the reply,

i tried it  but it remain the same behaviour.

look to my log file:

Code: [Select]
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [RetroFE] Initializing
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\splash.xml
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.up
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.left
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.down
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad axis 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.right
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.back
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.quit
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageDown
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageUp
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 6
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 6
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 6
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 6
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 5
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 5
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 5
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 5
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.favPlaylist
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.nextPlaylist
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.prevPlaylist
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.addPlaylist
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.removePlaylist
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 4
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 4
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 4
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 4
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.random
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Database] Opened database "F:\RetroFE\meta.db"
[2018-03-18 08:44:42] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2018-03-18 08:44:43] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\layout.xml
[2018-03-18 08:44:43] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2018-03-18 08:44:43] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2018-03-18 08:44:43] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "F:\RetroFE\collections\Main\include.txt"
[2018-03-18 08:44:43] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "F:\RetroFE\collections\Main\roms"
[2018-03-18 08:44:43] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "F:\RetroFE\collections\Main\menu.txt"
[2018-03-18 08:44:44] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\collections\Ringedge\layout\layout.xml
[2018-03-18 08:44:44] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: F:\RetroFE\layouts\GLaDOS-16x9-2.0\collections\Ringedge\layout\layout.xml
[2018-03-18 08:44:44] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "F:\RetroFE\collections\Ringedge\include.txt"
[2018-03-18 08:44:44] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles"
[2018-03-18 08:44:44] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "F:\RetroFE\collections\Ringedge\menu.txt"
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles\ID6.xml" exists  [Yes]
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe" --profile=ID6.xml
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to run: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to launch.
[2018-03-18 08:44:47] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2018-03-18 08:44:48] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\GameProfiles\ID7.xml" exists  [Yes]
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe" --profile=ID7.xml
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to run: F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [ERROR] [Launcher] Failed to launch.
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2018-03-18 08:44:53] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete

my launcher setting :

Code: [Select]
executable = F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe
arguments = --profile=%ITEM_FILENAME%

it's like retrofe doesnt want to launch TeknoParrotUi.exe,
arguments look Ok to me when i look to the log file...         :o

Pieter Hulshoff

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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2018, 08:25:42 AM »
Hmm, can you check it with a game you know is working? You use a different example from RetroFE than you do from the command line. Which directory are you in when you launch from the command line?


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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2018, 09:31:10 AM »
 :o weird!

if  i open a cmd terminal on my Os Windows 10, il am in my home user directory (that is normal), but,
if i launch the complete command => F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe" --profile=ID7.xml  -->  it doesn't work! i tought it will because  when i launch with the win+ctrl the same command is ok and launch the game properly.

look at the picture below:

on the other hand, if i write f:  (to change my drive directory) and launch the command it work!

i give a try with the exact command line launched by retrofe with a mame game and i also get an error from c:

"F:\Emulators\MAME_0193\arcade64.exe" "ajax"

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 10:22:13 AM by ginzu »

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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2018, 10:10:23 AM »
Which version of Windows are you running?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2018, 10:12:54 AM »
windows 10 entreprise ltsb x64


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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2018, 10:21:03 AM »
an other interesting test from the command line:

C:\Users\ginzu>"F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\TeknoParrotUi.exe"  --> i got the folowing message : "TeknoParrotUi a cessé de fonctionner"

C:\Users\ginzu>"F:\Emulators\MAME_0193\arcade64.exe"  -->  the emulator launch but it is like it is the first time i launch it... 

i don't know if it is a real clue.....  :o

could we put something like this in the launcher file .conf :

cd F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot_1.32\


executable = "TeknoParrotUi.exe"

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 10:24:43 AM by ginzu »

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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2018, 02:04:45 PM »
RetroFE should already start in the emulator's directory.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2018, 03:05:14 PM »

all my other emulators start like that!

i have an other idea, i will try an other method:

i am planing to create bat file and i wil launch them like  i launch my pc games.


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Re: Teknoparrot Loader help
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2018, 08:43:14 AM »
 :) : hi!

I just come to give you a feedback on what i have done.
I used the method to launch games directly like i launch my pc games.

The real thing that change is that i have created shortcuts of my games and added the param --profile="nameOftheProfileOftheGame.xml" at the end of the target line  (go to property of the shortcut).

This is working very good!
One of the good thing too, is that you can put shortcut from different version of the Loader in your game directory.
This way, if some games are working better in a particular version of the Loader, it will be transparent to you.


We can close this topic now.
If you want more details, ask me and i will add more detail.
For now, i can't because i am at work.  :-\