I figured it was time one of these threads was started.

Who are YOU?
I'll kick off:
My name is Pieter Hulshoff, born on the 7th of October, 1972, and living with wife and 2 children in the Netherlands. I hold a masters degree in computer science, and have been working as an ASIC/FPGA design engineer (till 2013) and (since then) as a network consultant & systems architect in the Telecom industry. My hobbies include
Kuk Sool Won (martial arts), reading, D&D, and playing with my huge
I started playing with Linux and MAME in the mid-late 90s, and after programming some minor features for xmame I figured I could write my own
front-end (just in case you were wondering where that MAMEd theme came from). I lost interest for a while, and when I wanted to restart with my front-end in 2013, I found out there were already plenty of alternatives. Few of those however were F/OSS, so after a bit of investigation I started helping out with RetroFE rather than do everything on my own again, and now here we are.