Hey! First post!
I've recently installed RetroFE to use as a front end for my Arcade cabinet using xin-mo controllers with MAME .194 and full extras running in windows 10 on an I3 and so far I love it!
I'd like a bit of help getting my config working 100%:
So far I've:
- Installed RetroFE and Animatic
- Changed layout to Animatic
- Setup the controls.conf to work with my josticks/buttons
- Configured to settings.conf to run from my MAME 1.94 folder (with MAME extras) including roms, snap (mapped to/screenshot), marquee(mapped to /logo or maybe /screentitle), and cabinet (mapped to /artwork_front)
- Downloaded MAME XML and include and copied and renamed "no clones" to include.txt, and copied include_no_casino_clones_mahjong_mature_quiz_electro_utilities_playchoice to Playlists. I also manually edited the favorites to include some of my favorites
Everything kinda works, but I have a few questions:
1. Animatic does not look like in the screen capture on the download link
http://retrofe.nl/Download/Themes/Animatic/Animatic%20Collection.png; I simply have the game "marquees" on the left, and the snap on the right, I don't have the artwork shown, and furthermore, on the games that I don't have marquees for, I get a blank title making it hard to identify a game with a blank title. It also does not display "capcom" (it does in default theme). How should I configure my settings.conf for things to work correctly? Is there anyway to display the text vs. a graphic for the game when it's not available?
2. How can I add a game to favorites other than manually
3. When I scroll through playlists, how can I know which playlist is being displayed (other than game count)
EDIT: I've just seen the PIN about MAME with artwork- I'm starting to download. I assume this will help me with the first question.