I'm now coding my own script to generate playlists by genre and number of players. It is also already downloading artwork from thegamesDB.net, crawling game infos from Hyperlist XMLs + No-Intro P/C XMLs + thegamesDB.net, creating story textfiles and exporting all game infos as a new hyperlist XML for feeding the meta db.
But I can't find infos about how a hyperlist xml must look like and what parts of it will be imported to the meta db. For example, what should I do if a game has the two genres "Driving" and "Shooter"?
1.) only use one genre of it and ignore the other one
2.) use 2 genre-tags, one for each genre
3.) use both genres in the same genre-tag separated by ",", ";" or "/"?
Moreover, can I use any genre in RetroFE or do I have to use predefined genres like
And is it possible to use multiple manufacturers? Right now I've got the manufacturer from the hyperlist and developer + publisher from thegamedDb and I don't know which one the meta db needs.
Is there any documentation avaible?