Sadly, that wasn't it, but thanks for the suggestion.
up = Up,joy0Hat0Up,joy0XAxis1-
down = Down,joy0Hat0Down,joy0XAxis1+
left = Left,joy0Hat0Left,joy0XAxis0-
right = Right,joy0Hat0Right,joy0XAxis0+
pageUp = A,joy0Button4
pageDown = S,joy0Button5
letterUp = W,joy0Button7
letterDown = Q,joy0Button6
prevPlaylist = N,joy0YAxis0-
nextPlaylist = M,joy0YAxis0+
addPlaylist = J,joy0Button9
removePlaylist = K,joy0Button8
favPlaylist =
random = R
select = X,mouseButtonleft,joy0Button0,joy0Button1,joy0Button2
back = Z,mouseButtonRight,joy0Button3
quit = F4,joy0Button12
deadZone = 50
edit: wait, I think you're onto something. Testing...
edit2: ok, this might have fixed it forever, or it may just be again the randomness of this, but it's working with DS4Windows now!!! What I had to do was remove the analog inputs and have it as follows:
up = Up,joy0Hat0Up
down = Down,joy0Hat0Down
left = Left,joy0Hat0Left
right = Right,joy0Hat0Right
pageUp = A,joy0Button4
pageDown = S,joy0Button5
letterUp = W,joy0Button7
letterDown = Q,joy0Button6
prevPlaylist = N
nextPlaylist = M
addPlaylist = J,joy0Button9
removePlaylist = K,joy0Button8
favPlaylist =
random = R
select = X,mouseButtonleft,joy0Button0,joy0Button1,joy0Button2
back = Z,mouseButtonRight,joy0Button3
quit = F4,joy0Button12
deadZone = 50
The joystick letter up/down inputs aren't working, but everything else seems to be working nicely and I've disconnected/reconnected a couple of times now!
So what happens is that if I put certain inputs, the joystick doesn't work at all. For example I trieed adding ,joy0Button7,joy0Button8,joy0Button9,joy0Button10 to letter up and that happened. Same if I try to add the analog.
Hope it stays this way (hopefully finding a way to make up/down buttons work though)!