Media Scanner scans your rom and media folders against a hyperlist xml, no-into dat (not recommended), or clrmamepro dir to dat. It will create a folder in the same directory as the database. For each media type filled in Media Scanner will output an extra, a have, and a missing text list. Also it will create a minted.txt that contains only games that have all media. All directories will be saved in Media Scanner.ini. If you only want to check mint against a couple media types do a full scan first then clear the fields you don't want included in the minted check.
Media Scanner.ini [Settings]RomExtListUI Setting - Custom list of rom extensions. Default: zip|7z
MediaExtListUI Setting - Custom list of media extensions. Default: png|mp4|jpg|ico|txt
MediaNamesUI Setting - Custom list of media names. Used to override media names in UI (affects output text names). Default: Media1|Media2|Media3|Media4|Media5|Media6|Media7|Media8|Media9
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