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Messages - Lowspecs

Pages: 1 [2]
Announcements / Re: HDD crash
« on: July 04, 2020, 04:57:25 PM »
Oh my god T_T It's a pity, hope you can redone all you have in head...

Tutorials / Re: Daphne Tutorial (LaserDisc Ex: Dragon's Lair)
« on: June 22, 2020, 07:22:48 PM »
Seems that everybody in retroFE community keep his knowledge... Strange community IMO :/

Announcements / Re: RetroFE 0.10.0
« on: June 21, 2020, 06:54:31 PM »

There's a RetroFE.exe in root that shows this when opened in hexedit

Do you know what this file does apart from replacing the shortcut?

It's a bat converted to exe. It should try to start joy2key and then RetroFE, but if joy2key is not present it will simply skip that. The shortcut never managed to make the icon stick, so I figured this might be a better option.

Thanks for your answer.
This function "try to start joy2key and then RetroFE, but if joy2key is not present it will simply skip that." is availlable ? How to achieve that ? i can't figure how to start Joy2Key automatically with RetroFE. The Built-in shortcut don't run Joytokey and can't fin any *.bat in the download section. Thanks in advance for the help.

General Discussion & Help / Start JoytoKey with retroFE
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:27:50 PM »

I'm new to RetroFE but i achieve to make some nice thing so i'm trying different thing with wiki help.

But i can't figue how to make JoyToKey Launch at same time that retroFE, is there a built in way to do it ? I can't fing anything when i search for "joytokey" work in the documentation.

Thanks for your help !

Announcements / Re: RetroFE 0.10.0
« on: June 20, 2020, 02:22:40 PM »
It's been a while since we had an official release, so I've put 0.10.0 on the download page. You can find the list of changes here.

Some highlights:
- Support for new key types, such as next/prevCyclePlaylist, playlistUp/Down/Left/Right, and collectionUp/Down/Left/Right.
- Proper theme scaling.
- Attract mode switches for playlists, collections, and animations.
- fps and fpsIdle parameters to improve performance on older systems.
- Support for automatically generated lastplayed playlist.
- Built in reboot option, usable by the launcher for e.g. script based theme switching.
- Improved GPU performance.
- Several bugs fixed, including zero delay encoder problems.
- Code cleanup.

I hope to update the documentation later this week so people know how to properly use the new features. :) It's mostly up to date; just missing the last few updates.

Hello, i can't find in the wiki documention on the built in reboot option ? Is the documentation was implemented for this feature ? i need to use it but can't find how on the wiki.
Thank you !

Announcements / Re: RetroFE development
« on: May 07, 2020, 04:21:42 PM »
I use Raw theme and there's just a 1920x1080 video which playing.

Announcements / Re: RetroFE development
« on: May 07, 2020, 07:55:59 AM »

I noticed there is some "input lag" on the front-end : there is much time between pushing the key and action on the screen (no prob with Launchbox, hyperspin or other application). The new exe don't fix that even with raw theme.

Do you know a way to correct or reduce it ?

I74790k - 16go ram - GTX 1080ti.

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