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Messages - Mazer

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 05, 2023, 05:56:45 PM »
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together

The ROM must have the same name as the image, and the information in the XML file in HyperList should also correspond to the information.

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 05, 2023, 05:45:35 PM »
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe

Did you put a folder for each game or did you look for the rom and so the image with the same name of the rom appears from the rom?

no no i made sure i can put all the roms together

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 05, 2023, 01:45:34 PM »
test Aura simple Modification Retrofe

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 04, 2023, 08:33:38 PM »
It seems that the Aura 4K is not shared because it is something personal that he works on occasionally when he has some free time, but he won't share it. However, I would have really liked to have the latest Aura theme with shadows on the covers where there is no Gaussian blur.

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 04, 2023, 06:21:52 PM »
@sonkers Actually, I modified Aura by adding a wheel with different consoles, and I changed the location where ROMs are added. I removed the menu where you could see the three images, the story with the gamepad because I found it too much work to add each game separately.

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 03, 2023, 06:08:22 PM »
I think it would be great to revive Aura and see the things we could improve or others, because the theme is really interesting.

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 03, 2023, 05:21:09 PM »
check image

# The location of where your ROM items exist. Examples:
# list.path = D:/ROMs/MAME                (absolute path)
# list.path = ../ROMs/MAME                (relative path to root of FE dir)
# If BASE_ITEM_PATH=D:/ROMs and the name of this collection is named "Nintendo Entertainment System" then the configuration below will search in
# "D:/ROMs/mame"
# list.path =collections/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%

# If a game is specified in include.txt then it will be included in the list
# regardless of if the rom actually exists or not. Set this variable to false
# to exclude any items that cannot be found.
list.includeMissingItems = true

# Extensions are comma separated without spaces
list.extensions = zip
# If a menu.xml file exists, it will display the menu alphabetically. To
# not auto-sort the menu items alphabetically, set the following to false.
# This does not apply to how your ROMs are sorted.
list.menuSort = true

# The executable to run when an item in a collection item is selected
launcher = mame

# Default media paths to scan for artwork. Uncomment and edit to override
# the default values.

metadata.type = Arcade

# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
# media.artwork_back  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_back
# media.artwork_front = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/artwork_front
# media.logo          = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/logo
# media.medium_back   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_back
# media.medium_front  = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/medium_front
# media.screenshot    = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screenshot
# media.screentitle   = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/screentitle
#         = %BASE_MEDIA_PATH%/%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%/medium_artwork/video

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: July 02, 2023, 07:19:38 PM »
I also created a small version with the possibility to choose the console with a new menu

Share your theme / Re: Aura
« on: March 31, 2023, 07:52:45 PM »
hello I'm looking for exactly this font because it's for continuing the project. Can you help me if someone has the real fonts?

General Discussion & Help / log .txt Could not open
« on: June 13, 2021, 11:49:54 AM »
hello just a question I check my log for something when I saw this [Configuration] Could not open D: \ Aurora \ settings_saved.conf "while I never created a settings_save file the same for the others will be t is it possible to remove this?

[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [RetroFE] Version 0.10.23 starting
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [RetroFE] OS: Windows
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [RetroFE] Absolute path: D:\Aurora
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings_saved.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings_saved.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings9.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings9.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings8.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings8.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings7.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings7.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings6.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings6.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings5.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings5.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings4.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings4.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings3.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings3.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings2.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings2.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings1.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings1.conf"

[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "fullscreen" = "no"

Help / numberPlayers helps (solved)
« on: June 02, 2021, 04:53:37 PM »
hello here I would need help!!!!  the numberPlayers is not displayed yet it is well placed like the others


<reloadableImage mode="commonlayout" type="numberPlayers" menuScrollReload="yes" x="1321" y="823" xOrigin="left" yOrigin="center" alpha="0" height="20" layer="13">
<onEnter menuIndex="0"><set duration=".4"><animate type="nop"/></set><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" from="0" to=".6"/><animate type="xoffset" from="20" to="0"/></set></onEnter>
  <onEnter><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" to="1" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/><animate type="yoffset" from="50" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/></set></onEnter>
  <onExit><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/><animate type="yoffset" from="0" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/></set></onExit>

General Discussion & Help / problem launcher
« on: August 20, 2020, 04:41:39 PM »
hello I have a problem my game does not want to start it works well on MAME without going through the launcher Do you have an idea of the problem ?

[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Version 0.8.18 starting
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] OS: Windows
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Absolute path: D:\Aura
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "fullscreen" = "no"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "horizontal" = "stretch"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "vertical" = "stretch"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "layout" = "Aura"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "hideMouse" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showParenthesis" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showSquareBrackets" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "firstCollection" = "main"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "autoFavorites" = "true"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoEnable" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoLoop" = "0"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "exitOnFirstPageBack" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "attractModeTime" = "0"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "rememberMenu" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collectionInputClear" = "true"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "minimize_on_focus_loss" = "false"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\launchers\final burn alpha.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " burn alpha.executable" = "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\retroarch\retroarch.exe"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " burn alpha.arguments" = "retroarch -L "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbalpha_libretro.dll" "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\launchers\main.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.main.executable" = "%ITEM_FILEPATH%"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.main.arguments" = ""
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\launchers\mame.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.mame.executable" = "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\mame\mame64.exe"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.mame.arguments" = "-rompath "%RETROFE_PATH%\collections\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%" "%ITEM_NAME%""
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and name" = "cadillacs and dinosaurs"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and year" = "1993"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and players" = "4"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and genre" = "beat'em Up"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and dinosaurs.list.path" = "collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and dinosaurs.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and dinosaurs.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and" = "collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\dodonpachi\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " name" = "dodonpachi"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " year" = "1997"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " genre" = "shoot'em Up"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\dodonpachi\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.dodonpachi.list.path" = "collections/dodonpachi"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.dodonpachi.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.dodonpachi.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "collections/dodonpachi/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\garou mark of the wolves\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the name" = "garou: mark of the wolves"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the year" = "1999"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the genre" = "fighting"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\garou mark of the wolves\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the wolves.list.path" = "collections/garou mark of the wolves"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the wolves.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the wolves.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the" = "collections/garou mark of the wolves/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\main\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aura\collections\main\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\main\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aura\collections\main\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Could not import "D:\Aura\collections\main\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\metal slug 3\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug name" = "metal slug 3"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug year" = "2000"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug genre" = "run and gun"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\metal slug 3\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug 3.list.path" = "collections/metal slug 3"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug 3.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug 3.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug" = "collections/metal slug 3/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\puzzle bobble\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle name" = "puzzle bobble"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle year" = "1994"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle genre" = "puzzle"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\puzzle bobble\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle bobble.list.path" = "collections/puzzle bobble"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle bobble.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle bobble.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle" = "collections/puzzle bobble/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\street fighter 3 3rd strike\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd name" = "street fighter iii 3rd strike"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd year" = "1999"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd genre" = "fighting"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\street fighter 3 3rd strike\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd strike.list.path" = "collections/street fighter 3 3rd strike"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd strike.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd strike.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd" = "collections/street fighter 3 3rd strike/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [RetroFE] Imported configuration
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [SDL] Initializing
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [SDL] Creating 1920x1080 window (fullscreen: no)
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\controls.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.up" = ""
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.down" = ""
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.left" = "Left,joy0Hat0Left,joy1Hat0Left"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.right" = "Right,joy0Hat0Right,joy1Hat0Right"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.pageUp" = "A"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.pageDown" = "B"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.letterUp" = "Up,joy0Hat0Up,joy1Hat0Up"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.letterDown" = "Down,joy0Hat0Down,joy1Hat0Down"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.nextPlaylist" = "P"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.addPlaylist" = "I"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.removePlaylist" = "O"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.random" = "R"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "Return,joy0Button0,joy1Button0"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.back" = "Escape,joy0Button1,joy1Button1"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.quit" = "Q"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [RetroFE] Initializing
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageDown
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\splash 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageUp
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.letterDown
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.letterUp
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.favPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\splash 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.nextPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.prevPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\splash.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.addPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.removePlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.random
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Missing property
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.left
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.right
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.back
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.quit
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Database] Opened database "D:\Aura\meta.db"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [MetadataDatabase] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\meta\hyperlist"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\meta\mamelist"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [MetadataDatabase] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\meta\trurip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\layout.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [ERROR] [FontCache] Could not open font: SDL_RWFromFile(): No file or no mode specified
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [NOTICE] [Collections] "collections.main.launcher" points to a launcher that is not configured (launchers.). Your collection will be viewable, however you will not be able to launch any of the items in your collection.
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "D:\Aura\collections\main\include.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "D:\Aura\collections\main\roms"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\collections\main\roms". Ignore if this is a menu.
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "D:\Aura\collections\main\menu.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\include.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "D:\Aura\collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Menu] File does not exist: "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\menu.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [ERROR] [Item] Missing an assignment operator (=) on line 5
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [ERROR] [Item] Missing an assignment operator (=) on line 14
[2020-08-20 17:30:21] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "D:\Aura\collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs\" exists  [Yes]
[2020-08-20 17:30:21] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "D:\Aura\emulators\mame\mame64.exe" -rompath "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs" "dino"
[2020-08-20 17:30:21] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: D:\Aura\emulators\mame
[2020-08-20 17:30:22] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2020-08-20 17:30:22] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2020-08-20 17:30:22] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete

General Discussion & Help / Problem Retroarch Run
« on: April 08, 2020, 04:58:42 PM »

Help / add 3 different title
« on: February 28, 2020, 04:16:43 PM »
hello is it possible to have 3 different game titles with reloadableText like on the picture if yes what will be the lines of code to add i am a novice

General Discussion & Help / rocketlauncher for retrofe
« on: February 19, 2020, 02:24:41 PM »
hello i'm looking for a rocketlauncher tutorial on retrofe
because I would just add FADES on retrofe but I have no idea how to install rocketlauncher on retrofe

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