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Topics - Mazer

Pages: [1]
General Discussion & Help / problem retrofe (solved)
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:21:05 PM »
I know how to write my problem, so I made a video. I want to specify that my Windows 11 is up to date, and RetroArch is also up to date. Everything was working fine until some time ago. I haven't touched anything for a year, and everything was working fine.
Link video problem
Lien du Log.txt

General Discussion & Help / log .txt Could not open
« on: June 13, 2021, 11:49:54 AM »
hello just a question I check my log for something when I saw this [Configuration] Could not open D: \ Aurora \ settings_saved.conf "while I never created a settings_save file the same for the others will be t is it possible to remove this?

[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [RetroFE] Version 0.10.23 starting
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [RetroFE] OS: Windows
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [RetroFE] Absolute path: D:\Aurora
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings_saved.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings_saved.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings9.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings9.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings8.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings8.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings7.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings7.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings6.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings6.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings5.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings5.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings4.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings4.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings3.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings3.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings2.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings2.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings1.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aurora\settings1.conf"

[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aurora\settings.conf"
[2021-06-13 12:44:44] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "fullscreen" = "no"

Help / numberPlayers helps (solved)
« on: June 02, 2021, 04:53:37 PM »
hello here I would need help!!!!  the numberPlayers is not displayed yet it is well placed like the others


<reloadableImage mode="commonlayout" type="numberPlayers" menuScrollReload="yes" x="1321" y="823" xOrigin="left" yOrigin="center" alpha="0" height="20" layer="13">
<onEnter menuIndex="0"><set duration=".4"><animate type="nop"/></set><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" from="0" to=".6"/><animate type="xoffset" from="20" to="0"/></set></onEnter>
  <onEnter><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" to="1" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/><animate type="yoffset" from="50" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/></set></onEnter>
  <onExit><set duration=".3"><animate type="alpha" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/><animate type="yoffset" from="0" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/></set></onExit>

General Discussion & Help / problem launcher
« on: August 20, 2020, 04:41:39 PM »
hello I have a problem my game does not want to start it works well on MAME without going through the launcher Do you have an idea of the problem ?

[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Version 0.8.18 starting
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] OS: Windows
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Absolute path: D:\Aura
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "fullscreen" = "no"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "horizontal" = "stretch"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "vertical" = "stretch"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "layout" = "Aura"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "hideMouse" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showParenthesis" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "showSquareBrackets" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "firstCollection" = "main"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "autoFavorites" = "true"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoEnable" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "videoLoop" = "0"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "exitOnFirstPageBack" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "attractModeTime" = "0"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "rememberMenu" = "yes"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collectionInputClear" = "true"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "minimize_on_focus_loss" = "false"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\launchers\final burn alpha.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " burn alpha.executable" = "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\retroarch\retroarch.exe"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " burn alpha.arguments" = "retroarch -L "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\retroarch\cores\fbalpha_libretro.dll" "%ITEM_FILEPATH%""
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\launchers\main.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.main.executable" = "%ITEM_FILEPATH%"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.main.arguments" = ""
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\launchers\mame.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.mame.executable" = "%RETROFE_PATH%\emulators\mame\mame64.exe"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "launchers.mame.arguments" = "-rompath "%RETROFE_PATH%\collections\%ITEM_COLLECTION_NAME%" "%ITEM_NAME%""
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and name" = "cadillacs and dinosaurs"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and year" = "1993"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and players" = "4"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and genre" = "beat'em Up"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and dinosaurs.list.path" = "collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and dinosaurs.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and dinosaurs.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.cadillacs and" = "collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\dodonpachi\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " name" = "dodonpachi"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " year" = "1997"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: " genre" = "shoot'em Up"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\dodonpachi\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.dodonpachi.list.path" = "collections/dodonpachi"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.dodonpachi.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.dodonpachi.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "collections/dodonpachi/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\garou mark of the wolves\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the name" = "garou: mark of the wolves"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the year" = "1999"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the genre" = "fighting"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\garou mark of the wolves\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the wolves.list.path" = "collections/garou mark of the wolves"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the wolves.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the wolves.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.garou mark of the" = "collections/garou mark of the wolves/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\main\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aura\collections\main\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\main\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Could not open D:\Aura\collections\main\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [RetroFE] Could not import "D:\Aura\collections\main\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\metal slug 3\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug name" = "metal slug 3"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug year" = "2000"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug genre" = "run and gun"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\metal slug 3\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug 3.list.path" = "collections/metal slug 3"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug 3.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug 3.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.metal slug" = "collections/metal slug 3/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\puzzle bobble\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle name" = "puzzle bobble"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle year" = "1994"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle genre" = "puzzle"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\puzzle bobble\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle bobble.list.path" = "collections/puzzle bobble"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle bobble.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle bobble.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.puzzle" = "collections/puzzle bobble/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:04] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\street fighter 3 3rd strike\info.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd name" = "street fighter iii 3rd strike"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd year" = "1999"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd players" = "2"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd genre" = "fighting"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\collections\street fighter 3 3rd strike\settings.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd strike.list.path" = "collections/street fighter 3 3rd strike"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd strike.list.extensions" = "zip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd strike.launcher" = "mame"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "collections.street fighter 3 3rd" = "collections/street fighter 3 3rd strike/"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [RetroFE] Imported configuration
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [SDL] Initializing
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [SDL] Creating 1920x1080 window (fullscreen: no)
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Importing "D:\Aura\controls.conf"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.up" = ""
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.down" = ""
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.left" = "Left,joy0Hat0Left,joy1Hat0Left"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.right" = "Right,joy0Hat0Right,joy1Hat0Right"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.pageUp" = "A"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.pageDown" = "B"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.letterUp" = "Up,joy0Hat0Up,joy1Hat0Up"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.letterDown" = "Down,joy0Hat0Down,joy1Hat0Down"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.nextPlaylist" = "P"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.addPlaylist" = "I"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.removePlaylist" = "O"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.random" = "R"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "" = "Return,joy0Button0,joy1Button0"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.back" = "Escape,joy0Button1,joy1Button1"
[2020-08-20 17:30:05] [INFO] [Configuration] Dump: "controls.quit" = "Q"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [RetroFE] Initializing
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageDown
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\splash 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.pageUp
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.letterDown
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat down
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.letterUp
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat up
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.favPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\splash 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.nextPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Missing property controls.prevPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\splash.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.addPlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.removePlaylist
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.random
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Missing property
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.left
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat left
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.right
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad hat right
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 0
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.back
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding joypad button 1
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Input] Binding key controls.quit
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Database] Opened database "D:\Aura\meta.db"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [MetadataDatabase] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\meta\hyperlist"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\meta\mamelist"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [MetadataDatabase] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\meta\trurip"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\layout.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Layout resolution 1920x1080 (scale 1x1)
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [ERROR] [FontCache] Could not open font: SDL_RWFromFile(): No file or no mode specified
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Light.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Scout-Black.otf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [DEBUG] [Layout] loading font D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\\fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Layout] Initialized
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [NOTICE] [Collections] "collections.main.launcher" points to a launcher that is not configured (launchers.). Your collection will be viewable, however you will not be able to launch any of the items in your collection.
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "D:\Aura\collections\main\include.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "D:\Aura\collections\main\roms"
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Could not read directory "D:\Aura\collections\main\roms". Ignore if this is a menu.
[2020-08-20 17:30:06] [INFO] [Menu] Found: "D:\Aura\collections\main\menu.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout 16x9.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] Initializing D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Layout] could not find layout file: D:\Aura\layouts\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\layout\layout.xml
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Checking for "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\include.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [CollectionInfoBuilder] Scanning directory "D:\Aura\collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [INFO] [Menu] File does not exist: "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs\menu.txt"
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [ERROR] [Item] Missing an assignment operator (=) on line 5
[2020-08-20 17:30:10] [ERROR] [Item] Missing an assignment operator (=) on line 14
[2020-08-20 17:30:21] [INFO] [Launcher] Checking to see if "D:\Aura\collections/cadillacs and dinosaurs\" exists  [Yes]
[2020-08-20 17:30:21] [INFO] [Launcher] Attempting to launch: "D:\Aura\emulators\mame\mame64.exe" -rompath "D:\Aura\collections\cadillacs and dinosaurs" "dino"
[2020-08-20 17:30:21] [INFO] [Launcher]      from within folder: D:\Aura\emulators\mame
[2020-08-20 17:30:22] [INFO] [Launcher] Completed
[2020-08-20 17:30:22] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocating graphics memory
[2020-08-20 17:30:22] [DEBUG] [Page] Allocate graphics memory complete

General Discussion & Help / Problem Retroarch Run
« on: April 08, 2020, 04:58:42 PM »

Help / add 3 different title
« on: February 28, 2020, 04:16:43 PM »
hello is it possible to have 3 different game titles with reloadableText like on the picture if yes what will be the lines of code to add i am a novice

General Discussion & Help / rocketlauncher for retrofe
« on: February 19, 2020, 02:24:41 PM »
hello i'm looking for a rocketlauncher tutorial on retrofe
because I would just add FADES on retrofe but I have no idea how to install rocketlauncher on retrofe

Help / ...
« on: September 21, 2018, 10:15:16 PM »

Help / Helps problém vidéo
« on: September 07, 2018, 06:29:16 PM »

Help / Help add a movies section about Ergo Proxy
« on: July 20, 2018, 08:34:06 PM »
hello I would like to create a film section on retroFE with the theme Ergo Proxy
I would have liked to know how to add vlc
because i try to do it as if i add an emulator my it's not working
I test with retroarch in ffmpeg my it does not work either so if a person could create a tutorial to me it will be cool
sorry for my english I'm french

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