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Topics - Pepeporras

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Suggestions / RetroFe for windows XP
« on: June 26, 2017, 06:57:10 AM »
Hi, very good, my problem is that I'm doing a bartop arcade and I'm using an old pc that I had at home.

And when I download RetroFe and run it, error is not win32.

Many people use old PCs with XP for their bartop. There is no version of RetroFe compatible with XP?

General Discussion & Help / Problem to start the games
« on: June 15, 2017, 09:57:46 AM »
Hello, good morning, I downloaded a few days ago RetroFe, it's a wonderful front end but I have a big problem, when I start some game on my list, the emulator opens but it does not start the game, it happens in all emulators except in Mame .

 I need help please :(

Pages: [1]