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Topics - dustind900

Pages: [1] 2
Third party applications/tools / Mix Image GUI
« on: December 14, 2020, 01:28:28 AM »
This will take a Screenshot, Box Art, Cart Art, Logo and Create a Mixed Image for use with RetroFE or any other FE. The background color is only for the preview. The final image uses transparency.

I'm trying to have a gameover screen display "OnGameExit' but the loading image does not fade away fast enough for the gameover screen to display. Any way to make this work?

relevant code
Code: [Select]
<image src="images/gameover.png" width="1920" height ="1080" alpha="0" layer="6">
<onGameExit><set duration="1"><animate type="alpha" to="0"/></set></onGameExit>
<onGameEnter><set duration="1"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/></set></onGameEnter>

<image src="images/loading.png" width="1920" height ="1080" alpha="0" layer="7">
<onGameExit><set duration="0.1"><animate type="alpha" to="0"/></set></onGameExit>
<onGameEnter><set duration="0.1"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/></set></onGameEnter>

<reloadableImage type="logo" x="660" y="660" xOrigin="left" yOrigin="top" width="600" alpha="0" layer="8">
<onGameExit><set duration="1"><animate type="alpha" to="0"/></set></onGameExit>
<onGameEnter><set duration="0.1"><animate type="alpha" to="1"/></set></onGameEnter>

General Discussion & Help / info.conf question/suggestion
« on: May 28, 2020, 04:47:28 AM »
not sure if this is more just a question or possibly a suggestion.

Can specific game data be stored and accessed from the info.conf file? I know we can put whatever extra data for a system, but how about games? If not, is it possible to add support for this? I know the xml data fields are static, so i was hoping the code for info.conf files might be a little more flexible.

Code: [Select]
## System Data
menu name = system name
year = 1999
type = console

## Game Data
game1.plot = yada yada yada
game1.multiplayer = simultaneous

game2.plot = things and stuff
game2.multiplayer = alternating


Code: [Select]
## System Data
menu name = system name
year = 1999
type = console

## Game Data
plot = yada yada yada
multiplayer = simultaneous

plot = things and stuff
multiplayer = alternating

Third party applications/tools / Gamelist XML To Hyperlist XML
« on: May 13, 2020, 07:05:47 PM »
Gamelist XML To Hyperlist XML
  • Converts an EmulationStation Gamelist.xml into a RetroFE usable Hyperlist.
  • Optional Media Audit - BoxArt, Logos, Videos, and Minted (png and mp4 only) will update if needed
  • Optional Genre Cleaning - Genres from ScreenScraper are messy (IMO)
  • Optional Story File Creation - pulls game description (story) from gamelist and saves to text file

I made this because lately I have been using SkraperUI. This thing is amazing. It scrapes all of its data from ScreenScraper. Unfortunately it doesn't yet have support for Hyperlist XML files, but it does create Gamelist XML files which this app converts into Hyperlist XMLs.

How To:
  • GamelistToHyperlist.ini - for your convenience. Set these to the base directory of your - Media, Roms, and Gamelists add "\" to the end of the path
  • genrereplacelist.txt - this contains (most) genres from the ScreenScraper site. Left of the "|" is the source text. Right of the "|" is the replace text. This can be edited to your liking (only edit the replace text) and you can also add to the list if you find some genres that aren't getting cleaned. Usage can be enabled/disabled in the GUI.
  • Rom Folder - Location of the roms in the Gamelist - required
  • GamelistXML - Location of your gamelist.xml - required
  • Output XML - location to save Hyperlist XML - required
  • Audit Folder - location to save media audit lists. If blank no audit is preformed
  • BoxArt/Logos/Videos - Media folders used for audit purposes. If Audit Folder is blank no need to fill these in.
  • Story Folder - Location to save story files. If blank no stories will be saved
  • RomExt - this is your rom extension without the period.
  • Use Gamelist Names - turn this on for systems like - Sega Model 2/3, Sammy Atomiswave, MAME
  • Clean Genres - Turn this on to clean genres from

Well I think thats it. Any problems or questions let me know.

General Discussion & Help / Playlist Menu?
« on: May 13, 2020, 03:13:30 AM »
Is it possible and how would one go about creating a menu for playlists?

I want to use playlists instead of sub collections so i can have a universal favorites for each system. But I want the playlists to be in a visible menu when i select a system. As an example If I select Sega Genesis I want the next menu to be - All Games(US), JAP, Fighting, Hacks, etc.. I know how to setup and use playlists, but I cant figure out how to have a menu of playlists in my theme.

Feature Requests / Suggestions / Exclude Game From Include/Sub file
« on: April 30, 2020, 03:21:17 AM »
I would like to request an input for removing a game from the all games list. And have that be a different input from the remove from playlist button. For an include file the games could just be added to an exclude list. Exclude lists dont work for sub files though so the game would have to be removed from the sub file. Could also be added to an exclude list in order to keep track.

Help / Can someone make a blank theme template for me?
« on: November 11, 2019, 01:36:42 AM »
I know mostly how to do themes but I am having trouble with menus. More precisely multiple menus. Something like CoinOPS Forgotten Worlds just not as extravagant. All I am requesting is a blank theme with the menus pre programmed (maybe some placeholder images).

(Systems) -> (System Sub Menu) -> (Games)

Systems: Large Image Scrolling Horizontal Menu (like EmulationStation default) - selection image shrinks and goes to top left
System Sub Menu: Small Image Horizontal Menu - bottom of screen
Games: Vertical Text List - located under selected system image

I would like to have the sub menu visible with the games list. Switching left or right on the sub menu would change the game list depending on the category selected. Not sure if this is even possible, CoinOPS does it but I don't know how. I'm sure eventually I'll figure it out I just don't have a lot of free time between work and other projects. If someone can and is willing to help me out I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

Off Topic / Touhou Project launcher
« on: January 03, 2018, 07:40:31 PM »
Just got done with my custom launcher for Touhou games and thought I would show it off. It features a loading screen and bezel. Sorry for the shaky video. It's hard to operate a camera and arcade at the same time.


Sent from my LEX820 using Tapatalk

Help / XMB theme edit (I need some help)
« on: January 03, 2018, 05:54:20 PM »
Preview  here

Is there a way to set the menu text to the game title instead of the rom name? I don't want to use a reloadable text element if I don't have to. This mostly affects MAME and its sub collections. You can see what I'm talking about in the video. Other systems are fine because the rom name is the game title.

Sent from my LEX820 using Tapatalk

Third party applications/tools / PC/Steam Launcher
« on: December 27, 2017, 09:50:12 PM »
In response to this thread.

This is how I launch PC and Steam Games.

  • Microsoft Windows.exe - this is the emulator
  • Microsoft Windows.ini - this contains file paths, arguments, and window titles
  • ActiveWindowInfo.exe - use this to get window titles. Press Win+A while in game to freeze in win titles in the app
  • Microsoft Windows.conf - RetroFE Launcher file. Set your paths accordingly

How To:
  • Place Microsoft Windows.exe and Microsoft Windows.ini in a folder together. ex: \Emulators\Microsoft Windows
  • Place Microsoft Windows.conf in RetroFE launchers folder. Set the emulator path to point at Microsoft Windows.exe. Change nothing else
  • Open Microsoft Windows.ini in your preferred text editor. Use example below for reference

Code: [Select]
moveMouse=0    ; set this to 1 or true to move the mouse to the bottom right of the screen (out of sight)

; Steam Game
[Brawlhalla]    ; Ini Sections should match art and include.txt
path=M:\Roms\Windows\Steam    ; Path to Steam
exe=steam://rungameid/291550    ; This should always be the same except for the gameID
wintitle=Brawlhalla ahk_class ApolloRuntimeContentWindow    ; use ActiveWindowInfo.exe to get the title and ahk_class of your game (Top of app)

; Regular PC Game
[BIT.TRIP RUNNER]    ; Ini Sections should match art and include.txt
path=M:\Roms\Windows\BIT.TRIP RUNNER   ;Path to game
exe=RUNNER.exe    ; Game executable
note: do not use "wintitle=" with regular PC Games. path and exe only

That should be it. If you need help... Ask.

Download - source included

Feature Requests / Suggestions / Theme request
« on: December 10, 2017, 06:44:37 PM »
I would be willing to donate some funds to anyone willing to make a theme that resembles the Retroarch XMB. I can do this myself but I don't like RetroFE's theming system. I hate xml and I don't like having to continuously start the FE to view changes. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the way it is, I just don't like it personally.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

General Discussion & Help / layout menuIndex problem
« on: September 02, 2017, 02:48:21 AM »
Using the latest version of RetroFE I can't get menuIndex=">1" to work. All other values for menuIndex are working fine for me except the greater than or less than values.

Feature Requests / Suggestions / Per Game Info.conf files
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:00:20 PM »
As mentioned here. I'm really hoping to see this as a feature. And if it does become a feature, you can bet I will write code to convert the hyperlist files I have made. Which leads me to ask, what should a standard Info.conf for a game look like?

10-Yard Fight (Japan).conf
Code: [Select]
lb_description = Description
lb_cloneof = CloneOf
lb_manufacturer = Manufacturer
lb_developer = Developer
lb_year = Year
lb_genre = Genre
lb_rating = Rating
lb_score = Score
lb_players = Players

Description = 10-Yard Fight (Japan)
CloneOf = 10-Yard Fight (USA, Europe)
Manufacturer = Nintendo
Developer = Nintendo
Year = 1985
Genre = Sports
Rating = ESRB - E (Everyone)
Score = 2.3
Players = 2

General Discussion & Help / Playlists linked to Include.txt
« on: May 26, 2017, 11:56:17 PM »
As far as I can tell games listed in a playlist are only visible if they are included in "Include.txt". Is there a reason for this or is there a bug somewhere?

Code: [Select]

playlist.txt (example name)
Code: [Select]

Based on the example only game1 and game3 will show up in RetroFE when displaying playlist.txt.

Third party applications/tools / Hyperlist-2-Include
« on: May 17, 2017, 05:38:17 PM »
Here is another quick app for you guys. This app will take a Hyperlist, a No-Intro Dat (not recommended), or a ClrMamePro Dir2Dat and spit out an Include.txt in the same directory as the selected database. No UI just a file selection dialog. Enjoy!

Download - Includes Executable and Source

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