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Topics - RfsVieira

Pages: [1]
If interested look in Retrofe, Visual Studio version. 
Doesn't have commits BCS PC issue. If like and have any doubts just pme.

Hello, i manage converting/adaptation 100% to Visual Studio 2019 -- here GIT link, could be an option for none linux users test/debug it.
using the cmake to debug on windows is a big mess to me, with VS2019 i can create breakpoints to analyse it bether.
It´s for gstreamer 1.40, but i can create another for last  gstreamer.
i dont know if is possible "merge" for updates the 2 git´s, but i think no because the SDL include has diferent link source.
Alredy found that Funcion definition not found for tweenSequencingComplete line 83 Component.h, problably missing something in the Component.cpp like this
bool Component::tweenSequencingComplete()
return false;  // our true
found tht TweenProperty is unscoped as print i add
 line 469/602/736/870/1004

Arithmetic overflow: Using operator '*' on a 4 byte value and then casting the result to a 8 byte value. Cast the value to the wider type before calling operator '*' to avoid overflow (io.2).   
(double and int type´s)
line 431/1333/1335
the same Using operator '*' on a 4 byte value and then casting the result to a 8 byte value

well i add the full print,  for now Windows VS2019 warning(39) list, if you want take a look, i disable the C4996 warnings they are not in the list

It doesnt mess with the code, i think, is just warnings, but if is a warning something isnt 100% well

Have a nice day

Hello again, here i am, again talking about gif´s to retrofe :)
I found a guy that manage how to add gif to SDL2, i made some update to the code (to work) and tested in an stand alone SDL2 project  ( SDL2-2.0.14) and is playing gif animation.
isn´t perfect as  im not a programer as you alredy know.

its has option to update to layout designers

----- gif loops forward
----- gif will run from first frame to latest then stop
----- gif will loop forth and back
----- gif loops backward
----- gif will run from first frame to latest then stop(reverse)
----- animation is stopped and is reset to display the first logical frame

Problably dont need all options for start.

Dont know if you are interessed, if  yes i send you my SDL2 test project, then i can try help add it to retrofe (im slower :P) (problably test and try find the errors is my think)

General Discussion & Help / Algorithm using always default (linear)
« on: April 05, 2022, 03:09:10 PM »
have beeing making some tests and found that Algorithm is always default linear
get this conclusion changing code (default formula) as print i add
i only see 2 options, isnt reading:
our isnt getting return tweenTypeMap_[name]
Our missing break after last case.
time line movement from here

Feature Requests / Suggestions / APNG
« on: March 25, 2022, 05:56:54 PM »
This I know is a big quest 😁
Why not, as we all want retrofe became the biggest and bether option for retro world.
For wht I see we alredy have the libs in retroFe, for png, now is need the function the will decode apng in frames, then play all frames 😅.
Well I'm talking about apng and not gif because the img quality.
Well teoric i read but can't do 😩

Feature Requests / Suggestions / Fanart alias
« on: March 25, 2022, 05:49:30 PM »
Hello, problably is a dummy quest, but here it goes..
As many fanart repeat for different systems, it's there a way have alias file for fanart tht will connect img A from gamesys  A to gamesys B, C D..
Like this we can have more free space for games...
Probably solution for this is a folder for all shared fanart then alias file will connect it..
Alias.txt line 1 gamenameA (same name of img), gamenamesys  B, etc, something like this!?
Well is only one idea.

Wen testing retrofe, and it doesnt have nothing to do with layouts.

in settings.conf if you say fullscreen "no" for 1st screen and add vertical and horizontal valors it will read and aplly, for next screens 2nd in my case it will read settings rec to log but will not apply.
It will always assume fullscreen dont know with flags is aplaying if SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP our SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN. but is applying my resolution.
for  what i see its an code issue problavly bcs it doesnt read (i++) for display(n) 2 my case, why i say code issue, because if i change line 193 -- windowWidth_, windowHeight_ to 1280, 720 it will assume for both screens the changes. ass prints i add for you see.
I add log for you understand what im telling.
i had more prints but it only allows 4 :(
Any think i can help testing be free ask.
Thanks again for your work.

Hello, i´m being testing retrofe version after big update, Gstremer and SDL, as you know it crash, i know you cant replic it because you using linux and for what i googlit is an win10 issue / problably, as googling found another teorie  of buffering (STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN)
making tests discover that problem is in gstcoreelements.dll and gstreamer-1.0-0.dll as they are connected (the call for ucrtbase.dll comes from them)
if you take version 1.20 gstcoreelements.dll and overwrite in retrofe(core folder), it will not have video and will not crash ever, so i think maybe there´s some problem in video code!!?
As this one man dev, im trying help all comunity.
Here  i add prints screens of what i get, hope it can help, if i can make another tests please fell free ask, i will try, i started retrofe.exe with vs 2019.
gstream v 1.18.3 has an issue for win32, that has been correct on version 1.18.4, and they released this year Fev2022 versio 1.18.6.
i  think this guys here ignore ucrtbase.ddl to open if prog call ( (don' t know if is compatible/possible for you add it)
But all my teories can be wrong and its there  a simple way for you solution it :D.
im new in it, im not programmer so, cant help to much :(
will love know more of code for this not be one man work.
Have a nice day, and thanks for all

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