« on: April 17, 2021, 06:30:27 PM »
Hi !
Is there a way to keep a video playing on the second monitor while playing a game on the first one monitor ?
This is the layouts settings for the scnd monitor i have :
<reloadableVideo type="backglass" mode="Layout" alpha="1" monitor="1" y="center" x="center" yOrigin="center" xOrigin="center" height="1920" width="1080" angle="0" layer="16">
<reloadableImage type="logo" monitor="1" x="center" y="center" yOrigin="center" xOrigin="center" alpha="0" width="1920" maxHeight="1080" layer="15">
<set duration="0.25">
<animate type="alpha" to="1" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="width" to="786" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="maxHeight" to="300" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<set duration="0.25">
<animate type="alpha" to="1" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="width" to="917" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="maxHeight" to="400" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<set duration="0.25">
<animate type="alpha" to="0.5" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="width" to="1048" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="maxHeight" to="500" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<set duration="0.25">
<animate type="alpha" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="width" to="1178" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="maxHeight" to="600" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<set duration="0.001">
<animate type="alpha" to="0" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="width" to="655" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
<animate type="maxHeight" to="249" algorithm="easeinquadratic"/>
</onGameExit >
Maybe with the "onGameEnter" action type i could be able to have this reloadable video still playing after launch a game ?
Sorry for the bad english, i hope its understandable...
Thanks in advance.