RetroFE forums
Artwork & Layouts => Help => Topic started by: ginzu on November 21, 2022, 04:45:10 PM
i reinstall retrofe using the last build and whe i click "q" nothing happen....
in my controls.conf :
right = joy0Hat0Right, joy1Hat0Right, joy2Hat0Right, joy3Hat0Right, joy1Axis0+, joy0Axis0+, joy2Axis0+, joy3Axis0+, Right
left = joy0Hat0Left, joy1Hat0Left, joy2Hat0Left, joy3Hat0Left, joy1Axis0-, joy0Axis0-, joy2Axis0-, joy3Axis0-, Left
down = joy0Hat0Down, joy1Hat0Down, joy2Hat0Down, joy3Hat0Down, joy1Axis1+, joy0Axis1+, Down
up = joy0Hat0Up, joy1Hat0Up, joy2Hat0Up, joy3Hat0Up, joy1Axis1-, joy0Axis1-, Up
pageDown = joy1Button3, joy0Button3, joy2Button3, joy3Button3
pageUp = joy1Button2, joy0Button2, joy2Button2, joy3Button2
letterUp = joy1Button5, joy0Button5, joy2Button5, joy3Button5
letterDown = joy1Button4, joy0Button4, joy2Button4, joy3Button4
#nextPlaylist =
addPlaylist = f
removePlaylist = r
#random = joy1Button5, joy0Button5, joy2Button5, joy3Button5, R
select = joy1Button0, joy0Button0, joy2Button0, joy3Button0, Return
back = joy1Button1, joy0Button1, joy2Button1, joy3Button1, Escape
quit = Q
everything works like a charm except i must exit with ctrl+alt+sup ....
i can't quit using the "q" letter.
thank you for your help.
Please upload your log.txt file.
:) hello,
thank you for the help.
i attach it to his message.
I don't see anything obviously wrong here; can you also upload your controls.conf? I'll test it here to see if I get the same issue.
topic was locked...
i attached the file. thank you.
it works now! i change it to another key : pageDown which is my button that kill all my process, games emulator etc....
it works perfectly! ;D
:-\ oh no! it works only once.... ;D
i replaced the 2 files with the 2 original files and i ve seen i can't quit as well. when i press "q" the screen reinitialise like a flash and then it come back instantly to the frontend.....
Are you running a normal RetroFE installation or did you download one of those full builds from the internet? Some of them overwrite files or have additional tools installed that may catch those keys instead of sending them to RetroFE.
no , its a normal install of retrofe but it works now with my Pagedown button to exit.
i don't know why... i did not change anything. i just remove other settings.conf i previously rename in the root folder of retrofe....
thank you